Hissy Fits

Stanley escaped last night when I was taking out the garbage. I figured I would get him inside when I came back from the curb, but by that time he was gone. I looked for him a bit before I went to bed, but he was no where to be found - though I did hear a bit of cat fighting going on in the distance. So, I went to bed, hoping for the best, that I wouldn't have to explain to three sad children why their beloved Stanley was missing.

This morning when I went out to run, Stanley heard me and came running and meowing wanting back inside the safe, warm house. I was happy to see him again. Joey, however, was not. Due to being outside all night, Stanley did not smell like his normal self and Joey's superior intellect did not recognize the cat that has been living with him for the past five months. He has spent the morning smelling Stanley vigorously and hissing repeatedly at him after about five minutes of intense sniffing. Joey is a very self-centered cat. He is very loving (to me), but believes he is the only cat in this world and all other cats should bow to him, or at least get out of his way and not touch him. It took him a long time to accept Stanley as a subordinate. Apparently, his one night of freedom from the little pest gave Joey hope that he was once again the only cat in our lives. He is now sulking somewhere, despising the day that Stanley infested his perfect one cat house. Stanley remains oblivious to Joey's displeasure and is happily basking in the sunlight, reliving his night out living on the wild side.


  1. I love your cat stories. :)

  2. Cute...I have read (if the hissing keeps up) that you should rub a towel on the one cat and then use the same towel to rub the other cat down. Eventually...I guess...they smell the same and they accept each other. By the way your "old cat" Doggie which you gave to us...was on the roof last night...meowing very sorrowfully at our window ..at 3:00 a.m. !!!!!


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