Good morning!

I guess I missed the weekend for posting anything. I was busy, but not with anything terribly exciting for the most part. Ran a 12 mile run on Saturday. My foot is hurting a little more from that yesterday and today (Boo!), so I am taking it easy and trying to stay off it for a couple of extra days to give it rest. I ate ice cream on Saturday - eating my favorite kind in the world - Monster Mash. Yum. I listened to the Hawks beat Penn State. That made me happy. Went to church, watched the kids play soccer - I'll post pictures of David later on. Had a meeting at our house until late. Then ended up going to the hospital with a friend who found out her hubby might need emergency surgery on his hand for a nasty infection. He ended up not needing it yet (we're praying for no surgery at all), but I ended up not getting home and into bed until 2:00 this morning. So I'm a bit sleepy today. School is starting very late and might end early. I wasn't sure how long we would be at the hospital, so around 11:30, I went looking for some caffeine - hoping for a coffee vending machine. Unfortunately, none was to be found, only pop - which I'm not a huge fan of. But since I was the driver of the evening, I wanted to make sure I was awake, I got a Coke and managed to choke it down. It made me feel sick to my stomach to drink a whole bottle. Usually I just take a sip every now and then of Aaron's when he treats himself to a pop. I'm pretty sure I won't want to drink another Coke that size for a very long time. But, it did give me a nice caffeine boost for the night. I'm wishing that I didn't run out of coffee yesterday. I could use a cup or three today to help me with sleepiness. It will be early bedtime tonight!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to think of something more interesting to share another time. Oh, we did see two more living skunks on our way home. I managed to avoid killing either one. It made my van happy and not stinky.


  1. Sorry for your friend. Will be praying for them. Your will-power of not making pop a priority in your life amazes me...because you know of my pop addiction that I am trying to break !!!!!

    I also see that I have moved back from Iowa City now to Wilton according to your live traffic feed. This moving is tiring me out !!!!!! :)

  2. Once you break it though, it gets much easier and when you do drink it again, it tastes so syrupy sweet and gross that you wonder how you ever liked it in the first place! Hang in there, you can do it. It just takes a little time.


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