Day Out

School wasn't happening much at all yesterday, so I decided we needed to do something more enjoyable.  There was a bookfair at Barnes & Nobles for our homeschool group, so we decided to go and do that.  They had fun little games for the kids to play and win prizes.  David won a mind puzzler thing and the girls each got a smelly pencil (smelly in the good sense).  I also decided to let them each pick out one item that I would buy them - if they wanted more than that, they would have to cough up the dough for the extra items.  A portion of the proceeds everything we bought would be given in support of our homeschool group too, so I'm always happy to support that.  Abby very quickly picked some princess crap.  With my first two children, I remained strong and never even thought of buying into the commercialism hype of the newest, latest craze among children and their parents.  But somewhere along the way, Abby has fallen in love with all things princessy.  And I have allowed princess things into my home - even princess underwear.  Perhaps it's the look of sheer joy she gets when she sees anything Cinderella (her favorite princess, by far) that melts my heart and turns my will-power to jello.  So, after gazing longingly all afternoon at the set of EIGHT princess figurines, she became the proud owner of that set.  Ana chose a design your own paper outfits set, complete with tiny hangers, jewels, ribbons, paper, and templates.  She has been happily creating all day today.  David chose the newest book from his latest favorite author Rick Riordan - especially since we had a 30% off coupon. 

We left the bookstore and went to watch the conference cross country meet.  Well, some of us watched.  Others immediately found a pile of grass clippings to play in.

Abby made herself a little nest and nestled down to quietly watch parts of the race as they ran by.  It was very precious.
David spent time hanging out with Coach Fleming as they went from place to place cheering on the MP runners. 
We left David there with Aaron to finish watching the meet.  They rode the bus home together (after eating out at McD with the team), then back to work at the woodshop for a few more hours together.  Aaron worked.  David was too busy being engrossed in his newest book to help out this time.  The girls and I opted for a more delightful dining experience - Chinese!  Here they are drinking their hot tea while waiting for our food to come.  Yum!

After supper, we went back to the bookstore as it was educator appreciation week and they had... um... cake there...for the girls.  Yes, I went back to get the girls a free piece of cake.  They ended up giving a piece to me as well, so I felt obligated to eat it.  We also signed up to win great and glorious prizes of which we won none.  But the cake was good.  And Abby decided she wanted to buy something else with her money - I have to help her make sure she's buying something she'll really like and get the most for her money as she still doesn't understand all that yet.  But we found a paper doll set with all sorts of princess like outfits that delighted her.  She has been playing with them for the past two hours straight now with no end in sight. 

Well, I had better end this now. Tomorrow, we leave for Des Moines on our final stage of the marathon!  I'll post once I'm back home.  Have a great weekend!


  1. What a great day!

    Good luck this weekend!!! I can't wait to hear from you!

  2. The third child will do that to you. You have all sorts of noble ideas with the first two that you adhere to strictly and either you figure out that some of the stuff really is not that important or else the third one wears you down till you just say "Oh Well!" Sounds like you had a fun day and night !!


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