Bad Marathon Prep

Remember how I told you my goals of prepping for the marathon? I planned on going to bed early every night and eating healthy (mainly meaning cut out sugar since I normally eat fairly healthy). Well, I haven't done so good with that this week. I don't believe I've gone to bed before 10:30 once or even before 11:00 this week. Usually it's been after 11:00. What have I been doing, you ask? Well, many different things. Last night, I was actually in bed by 9:30 and told Aaron I was ready for bed and would be waiting for him (remember, neither one of us sleeps well without the other). So he came in a few minutes later with the game of Boggle in hand, ready to play. Let me tell you that this is unheard of! Aaron does not LIKE the game of Boggle - I think it has something to do with the fact that I consistently crush him whenever we play together. So it has been years since just the two of us have played together. David and I started playing together, but we have rules against me to help me not crush him severly (he can do three letter words, mine have to be a minimum of four. His words use the normal scoring system, my 5 & 6 letter words only count for one point). But with Aaron, those rules do not apply. There is no mercy. We played for over an hour and I am happy to report that I was thorough in my defeat of him. But he would be quick to point out that in the last round, he did crush me in scoring. I think that showed it was time for me to go to bed.

The night before, I was ready for bed before 10:00 again, but then saw online that the Chilean miners were about to start their rescuing process. So I clicked to watch it live. I don't know if any of you saw any of the rescues, but it was truly amazing. The raw emotion you saw and experienced as you watched these men being lifted out of their dark prison-like hole into freedom. It was like being born again! I was grinning like a fool with tears in my eyes as I watched. So we watched the first guy get rescued, then the second guy, and by then, it was past 11:00 and way past my bedtime. I showed it to the kids in the morning and they also enjoyed watching a few guys get rescued.

Monday night, was Aaron's folks last night of being in town, so we stayed up late hanging out with them, and then a bit of unwind time after they left - so once again late to bed.

Perhaps tonight will be the night for early bedtime.

As for eating well, I'm pretty sure I had ice cream (and lots of it) three nights in a row and last night, I indulged in some still warm from the oven apple/pear crisp. I also ate about three or four reese's peanut butter cups yesterday. It's bad that I'm not sure how many which probably means it's closer to the four than the three. Whoops. So the sugar reduction part of my plan has failed too. I guess there's still time to cut it out for the last three days of prep.

Since I haven't been going to bed early, I've been trying to tack on some extra sleep in the morning. While it feels good to lay in bed until 7:00 or 7:30, it means my mornings are super rushed. We have not started school on time once this week. Nor, have we done all the school that I want to do. I think I should just give myself permission this week to take it easy and not plan on doing it all - now that the school week is nearly over.

Tomorrow, I go to get my teeth all shiny-clean. It will make my running more aero-dynamic with less wind resistance to the gunk on my teeth. :) I realized I haven't had my teeth cleaned since right after I gave birth to Abby... four+ years ago. Another whoops.

That is all for today. I hope your days are full of more sleep and less sugar than mine!


  1. And I bought a giant bag of candy corn yesterday...


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