
As promised, here are soccer pictures of David from Sunday.
Working on defense.
David is the goalie in this picture - getting ready to stop a ball.
The kids are excited because on this coming Sunday, Aaron's folks will be in town for the weekend and they said they would come and watch them play soccer. So I'm sure there will be great excitement in showing off their soccer prowess.

I still haven't caught up on my sleep from the other night's excursion. Guess I'm not as young as I used to be. Though I have never been good at staying up late. I think I did an all nighter once in Jr. High and felt so miserable that I never did it again. Even at youth group lock-ins, I would find a quiet corner and get a few hours of sleep wherever I could. I need sleep. And lots of it. I went to bed by 10:30 while in college and slept in until about 8:00 every morning. That was true bliss right there. I've never been a night owl.

Ana told me something really cute the other day. In a sad little voice, she said, "I have a really hard time when you don't limit the amount of candy I can eat. I try to make it last for a really long time, but I always end up eating it all in just a day or two. And then I feel sick." She's so funny when it comes to sweets. She adores them, but usually can't eat very much of it since it makes her "tummy feel sick". She always acts so heartbroken when she gives me her unfinished dessert sadly declaring that she can't eat any more. I would feel sad too. I however, am able to overcome any sick tummy feelings and finish off her desserts for her. I can take one for the team, if I have to. Perhaps I should take my cues from her. Then I might look as scrawny as she does, though. That's a little too scrawny for my preferences.

Running is not going very well for the Fleming household these days. Aaron's calf is still hurting some. My foot has taken a turn for the worse. I'm hoping to just nurse it along and get this marathon finished and then take off enough time for it to properly heal. But right now, I need to nurse it a little more as even running a mile this morning was painful. Sadness. Only 11 more days to go. I can do it! My time won't be very good, but I WILL finish it!
That's all for now. I need to get back to school now.


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