I was running an errand at the hardware store here in town with the kids. Abby saw this on the shelf and asked if we could get it for our hamster. He might like the new toy for a little bit. Hehe.
I am undertaking a three week challenge as a way of support for my dear mother. I would include a picture here of her if I could, but she would not appreciate that (though I do have permission to write this post) Years ago, as a wee little lass, she had the misfortune of contracting polio. While she was able to regain normal function and led a very normal life for most of her years, polio has reared its ugly head once more in her life, this time in the form of post-polio syndrome. Click here for a link to just what post-polio is. For those of you who prefer a one sentence summary of PPS, it's mainly a continual weakening of the muscles that were affected when polio was first contracted - it can range from mild to quite debilitating. My mom has been struggling with full blown PPS for a couple of years now. There is really no cure at all, few medicines to help, just learning to listen to your body in what it now has decided that it can no long...
I took this picture yesterday before church - I'm almost 19 weeks here - definitely looking pregnant. Aaron finally felt the baby move last night. It made him happy. I had been able to feel it from the outside for several weeks now, but every time I tried to get Aaron's hand there, the baby would stop kicking. I'm enjoying feeling good again and having a little more energy - though I do get more tired out sooner than I used to. I guess that goes with the territory. Next week is our ultrasound appointment. We decided that we are going to find out what we are having!!! I'm super excited about this! Yesterday, right as church was ending, David took a nasty fall at church. Somehow, the only thing he managed to hurt was his lips and one front tooth. It appeared that his single tooth took the entire fall. He cracked it vertically from top to bottom, and then along the gum line was another crack running horizontally. S...
I've spent the last two days outdoors doing garden/yard work. On Tuesday, I caught up in my yard with weeding my garden, mowing the lawn, cutting out volunteer trees where they don't belong, and other small chores I hadn't gotten around to doing. It took most of the day. I was tired. Yesterday, I caught up at my mom's garden. Half of it was not weedy due to heavy mulching. The other half was amazingly weedy. It took me four hours to clean that up and finish staking the tomatoes. After supper, I spent several hours at garden #3 attacking the weeds there. I am about 70% done there, but went home early due to tiredness and irriation at the approximately 3,485 mosquitoes that decided I looked like a good supper. Needless to say, my body is tired and in need of a rest. Today will be a low key day where I get caught up on indoor, less active duties. I am slowly picking up my running again. I didn't even tr...
Smart Abby ! :)