Garden Catch Up

I've spent the last two days outdoors doing garden/yard work.  On Tuesday, I caught up in my yard with weeding my garden, mowing the lawn, cutting out volunteer trees where they don't belong, and other small chores I hadn't gotten around to doing.  It took most of the day.  I was tired.  Yesterday, I caught up at my mom's garden.  Half of it was not weedy due to heavy mulching.  The other half was amazingly weedy.  It took me four hours to clean that up and finish staking the tomatoes.  After supper, I spent several hours at garden #3 attacking the weeds there.  I am about 70% done there, but went home early due to tiredness and irriation at the approximately 3,485 mosquitoes that decided I looked like a good supper.  Needless to say, my body is tired and in need of a rest.  Today will be a low key day where I get caught up on indoor, less active duties.  I am slowly picking up my running again.  I didn't even try running this morning as my legs felt pretty dead from the past three running and gardening days.  I settled for a relaxing walk this morning instead. 

So all my hard work is beginning to pay off in produce.  I picked the very first offering of beans this morning.  Soon I will have so many I don't know what to do with them.  But the first fruits always makes me so happy.  And when I say happy, I mean that I giggle quietly to myself as I feel like I've just won a special prize.  I am truly very easily amused.
I think I will eat these babies for lunch.  We are also still enjoying lettuce and spinach, snap peas, turnips, kalhrabis, broccoli, and beets.  I will very soon be enjoying more beans, summer squash, raspberries.  Tomatoes and peppers will be along later, along with other squashes, onions, carrots and a few other things.  My strawberries are just finishing up (boo), but I enjoyed more strawberries than I ever had in my life before - and even made two batches of freezer jam! 

So there you have it.  It's a lot of work, but I love eating fresh from the garden.  Makes all the work worth the effort! 

What are your favorite fresh foods from the garden?


  1. RASPBERRIES??? I knew you were holding out on me.

  2. Yum, yum, yum! That hard work is worth it! - MomK

  3. Mine is radishes ! Also thanks to you...the garden at my house has never looked so lovely.


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