Winter Run

Hmm... I haven't posted for awhile.  Sorry.  Things got super busy and I just haven't had the time.  Hopefully this week will be a little slower - which means more posts.  Or if I procastinate a lot, then I post more.  : )  Aaron's folks have been in town since Thursday, so we've been having lots of fun with extra grandpa/grandma time.  They came with the kids and me to a field trip to Des Moines on Friday.  We went to the Science Museum.  It was a lot of fun with lots of different activites.  They have a special Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit that we went to see.  All I can say was that man was an absolute genius!  Truly amazing ideas and observations well before his peers.  Wow.  I could have stood around and looked at everything there at great length.  However, a 4 year old and a 32 year old find different things fascinating, so we had to move on at times faster than I preferred and linger in places where I'd rather not linger as much.  Oh well.  It was fun.  The kids were super excited because we got to see three movies all in one day!  The first one really wasn't a movie, but more of a planetarium type show where we learned about different constellations.  Then we watched an IMAX movie about Van Gogh.  I really like his work and I definitely enjoyed the close up shots of some of his pictures where you can see the colors piled up on his cavnas.  So cool.  Maybe someday I'll see one in real life.  Our third movie was about the life of Da Vinci.  It was a fun day, but a long day.  I was happy to have the company of Aaron's folks. 

We had numerous church things this weekend to prepare for and do.  Makes for a long weekend, but it was good.  We also had a roller skating time again this past Sunday afternoon.  Abby decided to be independent while skating (yea!) and very happily spent two hours rolling about the rink by herself.  She even played limbo and nearly won.  She was definitely the crowd favorite there.  Everytime she would inch herself under the bar and make it, the crowd would cheer and applaud for her while she grinned from ear to ear.  It came down to her and another older girl.  Abby got edged out of first place.  But she still got a prize - mainly for being so cute.  She got to pick out a candy from the snack bar.  She was so pleased with herself. 

This week is a little more calm.  Grandpa and Grandma leave tomorrow (boo), and our schedule will return to normal without too many extra things going on. 

And as the title of the post states, I went for a winter run this morning outside with my friend Julie.  It was about halfway fun.  The fun part was when the mild sleet turned into giant snowflakes.  The kind that cover an entire eyeball when a flake hits your face.  It was really fun to run in that.  I told Julie that it felt like we were running in a snow globe with the amount of big fluffy snowflakes all around us.  But then the big, fluffy snowflakes went away and turned into little pellets of ice that drove down into our faces and eyeballs.  That part wasn't so much fun.  Thankfully we were nearing the end of our run by then, so we only had about a half mile to go with that.  But it was long enough.  Temp. wise, it was okay - probably in the high teens or low 20s.  I forgot to check.  For our Wednesday run, it's supposed to be below zero for that one.  It will be time to put on 20 pounds of clothing and have only my eyeballs visible.  It will be a good weight workout.  I will feel so fast in the spring when I can run without piles of clothing on and the temperature is above 50.  What a treat that will be!


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