Random Tidbits

I haven't posted anything school related lately.  We've been having short weeks around the Christmas "break".  We don't take much by way of break because we know we will sorely be needing them in April and May when spring fever really hits us.  So below is a video of us making a volcano.  They thought it was pretty cool.  We did it again after this video because they wanted to watch it erupt once more. 
And now for a post of randomness...  Ana has been wanting to grow her hair out for some time now, but she could never end up growing out the sides of her hair past chin length and she would end up having a mullet.  I couldn't figure out why and thought perhaps Ana was chewing on her hair like she did in the past (reason it got chopped in the first place).  I never saw her chewing on it, yet it didn't grow.  So when she got her two top teeth pulled last week, she realized that those were the teeth she was using to chew her hair.  We are hoping that this breaks the habit.  I cut her hair last night to even it up once more as she attempts to grow it out.  Abby saw that, and started begging for a hair cut too, "but not too short like Ana's".  Once Ana's haircut was over, Abby very happily complied.  Unfortunately, her hair was quite wispy at the ends and a fair amount needed to get chopped off.  It ended up being shorter than she wanted.  She went to look at it in the mirror and came back feeling very sad because it was too short.  I felt a little bad, but it did help it look a little more neater now.  And she doesn't have hair chewing issues, so it will grow out.  :)  Anyway, Abby and Aaron were working on a puzzle together when it was her turn for her haircut.  I found it very amusing that Aaron continued putting together the 100 piece kitty puzzle all by himself while Abby was gone.  He didn't get it finished before she was done.  Here he is, hard at work at his kitty puzzle. 
Abby came back from her haircut to help Daddy finish his kitty puzzle.  David amused himself by firing his Da Vinci catapult he got for Christmas at some towers he built.  He enjoys trying to demolish the various buildings in as few hits at possible.
Catapult firing at intended targets.  It brings much amusement to him.
Other random tidbits:
Ana gets her other two teeth out tomorrow.  She's still pretty nervous about it since she didn't have a good time with the first two teeth.  Say a prayer for her so she can be calm.  We're stocked up on nice soft foods for her to eat tomorrow (yogurt, pudding, jello, etc.)

I haven't talked about running for awhile.  Probably because it wasn't going very well.  My mileage is way down once winter hit.  I'm going to do an interval workout tomorrow at the track since the snow was nice enough to melt and uncover the track so I can run on it.  I just hope it won't be too cold.  I'm not a fan of being cold.  I spend too much of my life shivering.  I've been doing better at running this past week and got in four various workouts.  Yea!  I need to work off the bazillion grams of sugar I consumed over Christmas.  : )I've also been utilizing my treadmill more since it's warmer and more protected than running outside, though I am still running outside more than the treadmill.

I spent the last hour helping the kids clean up their rooms.  It's amazing how messy it gets when there is no daily supervision on it.  I even did my yearly vacuumming up there.  No, I probably vacuum more like three times a year upstairs.  Girls room is done.  David's room still needs work.  We'll finish it tomorrow.

Awhile ago, I posted wondering why I bought beds for the kids.  We've had a change of sleeping arrangements now.  Abby has abandoned her crib mattress for her real bed - upon the encouragement of me when I realized what poor condition the crib mattress was in.  But, it appears we cannot have more than one child at a time using a bed.  David has since moved to the floor in the girls' room, stuffing himself mostly under Ana's bed to sleep.  He enjoys being with his sisters for sleeping.  And they do really well with behaving.  Ana is still in her little nook at the foot of her bed.

I made two loaves of bread today.  One I gave to our neighbors.  The other we ate in about five minutes (literally) as our dessert.  So much for that loaf of bread. 

I cracked open my almond butter today.  I didn't share.  I didn't even get to put it on my fresh bread (why I made bread in the first place).  I forgot about it in the ensuing family feeding frenzy when the first slice was cut off.  I just ate a spoonful of my almond butter plain.  Mmmm. 

Well, I have a little girl in the beginning stages of meltdown.  Can you say 'bedtime'?  I had better go!


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