The Perfect Day

Last month while Aaron and I were in Texas church gathering, we had a little exercise of writing down "perfect days" that you've ever had in your life.  I've had quite a few perfect, or nearly perfect days that have been so wonderful and enjoyable.  And, I just had another one yesterday to add to my list!

It started off with a great morning of church.  I sure do enjoy the people there.  Great people, great church, great pastor (hee hee!).  It was a lovely morning.

The fun continued for lunch when we had over our church leadership team for taco salad & ice cream!  The food was yummy, and the conversations were even more fun than the food.  I loved it.   Once the meeting part was over, the day got better when Aaron voluntarily did the piles of dishes sitting around.  Could the day get any better?  Yes!  Our friends, the Groffs, volunteered to babysit for our kids while Aaron and I went on an impromptu date! 

We quickly left the house, and went and saw the newest Narnia movie - Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  I knew it was not going to be totally like the book, so I was prepared for "artistic liscense".  It was really good.  There was a scene in particular that spoke volumes to me.  I won't say too much about it should any of you still want to see it.  But it had to do with wishing you were more like someone else, and what the world (or those around you) would miss out on if you were not like you.  God made you like you are for a reason.  Things wouldn't be as great if you weren't you.  A good reminder for me to hear every now and then when I'm struggling with various things about myself I don't always appreciate. 

After the movie, we weren't super hungry for supper.  So we went to the food co-op in town.  I had been given a gift certificate there and I've never been there before.  We decided to not spend it on things we needed, but on fun things instead.  I bought two jars of almond butter that was on sale.  I had it once and adored it, but have never bought any because it's a little pricey.  So I now am the proud owner of TWO jars of it.  Yea!  I'm going to be very stingy with sharing.  We also decided to try out some fancy pants cheese and got a bottle of wine to go with it.  It was quite enjoyable to wander the aisles together and see what struck our fancy. 

We left there and decided that we wanted to go home sooner than later and try to catch the football game on tv.  So we decided to not eat at a nice place, but somewhere fast so we could get home sooner.  We stopped at Wendy's.  I was quickly overwhelmed with excitement when I realized that they had a tv on in there and that they were showing the football game that had just started!  We sat down at a table facing the tv so we could watch the game.  I got the apple chicken pecan salad.  Yum!!!  It was so yummy.  Aaron and I also shared a Frosty.  Another yum!  We took our time eating, since we were getting to do the thing we wanted to hurry home for.  We got home just as our kids were being put to bed.  So we said good night to the kids and thank you to Tim.  We watched the rest of the football game at home while I worked on my weekly school plans and Aaron worked on some writing.  An all in all, perfect day. 


  1. That does sound like an ALMOST perfect make it needed to see your mama!
    The part of the movie you liked about being YOU..sounds exactly like a part of my Joyce Meyers tape I watched about being unique and how the devil tries to tell you that you are not unique...just was very interesting.

  2. THAT WOULD BE MY PERFECT DAY!!! I am loving your blog girl! Thank you for your comment and the great advice to center your life around Christ, rather than your body!!! I needed to remember that so thank you!


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