R.I.P. Hamster

After miraculously pulling through a nasty eyeball issue, Abby's desire to buy him this toy, and my waffling over whether I should buy him more food and bedding since he was old and somewhat sick, our dear beloved Hamster passed away yesterday.  He was a good hamster and lived a good life. We found him early yesterday evening in his cage.  The kids were slightly sad, but Abby cheered up after about three seconds and yelled, "Yeah!  Now we can get fish and I get to name them!"  And yes, I took a picture of our dead hamster. 
We held a very brief funeral this afternoon.  The ground is frozen, so we couldn't really dig a hole to put him in.  But we already had a slight depression area from where the kids dug a hole in the past few years and where we buried a random cat that decided to die in our yard.  So we placed Hamster in the hole above Lucy the Random Dead Cat and covered him with leaves and compost since that was our only loose material available. 
So I guess I need to be true to my word and get the fish tank set up and ready for some fish in the next week or two.  Abby is very excited to name them. 

Ana got her two bottom teeth pulled today.  She did well, but cried once it was over.  It was a very traumatic/emotional time for her.  Lots of anxiety over the whole business.  Thankfully we are done with teeth pulling for now and hopefully her teeth will have some room to straighten out now.  We went grocery shopping before her appointment and found these adorable little bananas that we couldn't resist.
  Ana and I are suckers for cute food (remember our adorable pea-sized grapes?).  Plus they were only 29 cents/lb!  Can't beat that!
We can't wait to try our cute little bananas! 


  1. I could tell you about my habit of digging up my dead fish as a child to watch the decomposing process but I won't since it might give your children ideas.

    On a nicer note.....I sincerely hope that the tooth fairy remembers to come and visit Ana tonight.


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