Sleepy Head

I overslept this morning and once again stood up my running partner Julie.  Oops.  I will have to call soon and profusely apologize.  I don't recall turning off my alarm this morning.  All I know is that if I hadn't, I would have had only 5 1/2 hours of sleep.  Not quite enough for me!  So my body let me know that it needed at least another hour of sleep before waking up.  So I didn't get my morning run in obviously.  I'll have to try to squeeze it in either tonight or tomorrow morning.

We keep our house pretty cold overnight, so when we wake up, it always feels so cold when you get out of your nice, warm bed.  The kids immediately come downstairs and huddle over the vents to help warm themselves up.  Here is David from this morning.  He is huddling over the vent, hanging out with Joey, reading a book, while wearing an eyepatch.  I guess he's trying to strengthen his eye.  : )  I found it amusing.
Abby came downstairs from "cleaning her room" wearing this summery outfit.  She also has a large rubber band stretched over her hair.  She's in the midst of a goofy face for me when she saw me get the camera out. 
And now the warmth from the weekend is gone.  It's back to being cold.  We're supposed to get a big snow later on.  I like big snows.  If it's going to be cold, at least there should be piles of snow laying around.  We'll see if we actually get anything substantial or not.


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