
My good friend from high school posted a little interview with her middle child and it was so cute.  I've done this before with my kids, recording them on tape so we can remember their voices.  But I thought it would be fun to do this here for you to enjoy.  I took the questions directly from the previously mentioned blog.  So we'll start with youngest first.  I'll post the others in coming days.  Enjoy the thoughts of Abby!

Why do you think that we named you Abby?
because you thought that it was a nice name

How many brothers and sisters would you like to have if you could choose?
a billion

What is your favorite color?
pink and purple

What is God like?
a huge person who makes people and creates things

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
to see Grandma Kay and Grandpa Tom at their new house or go to Indiana

What do you want to be when you get bigger?
a grown up

What's your favorite thing to play?
Citadels (she really has no idea how to play this game)

What is one thing you like doing with Mom?
doing my princess puzzle while eating green olives

What is one thing you like doing with Dad?
going to the golf course and playing at the playground (we go to the golf course for cross country meets, not golfing)

Who is your best friend?

What is one thing that you wish you could do?
see a fairy and wish for some more friends

What is your favorite book?
A Color of His Own

How old are Grandpa and Grandma?
Big Grandpa and Big Grandma are a billion-twenty,  Grandpa Keith and Grandma Cindy are 60 and 20, Grandma Kay and Grandpa Tom are 6 and 7

What is something you want to do when you are 5?
Go to camp

What is something that scares you?
monsters in the closet and Ana roaring at me

What is something that would make you laugh really hard?
a jack in the box


  1. So cute....I take it that I am the 20 year old. Very smart child !!!!

  2. I think I would have put the jack in the box under "things that scare me." I'm also going to pretend that Abby wants to come to Indiana to see ME.


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