Sick Day

Unfortunately, the bug has struck our house again.  Grrr.  David came down with a fever last night and Ana has one today.  So we took the day off from school to rest and relax.  Abby is so far untouched and has happily spent the morning with her new favorite activity - playing with her little dolls and a small bucket of water.  Now she has moved on to painting.
David is feeling a little better today, but was happy to spend the day reading with a piece of tape on his forehead. 
Ana is feeling worse than everyone else and is currently taking a nap on our bed.
Joey could care less that anyone feels sick at all.  He is napping on his favorite place in the world - on top of the recliner chair in the sunlight.
And I am dinking around and getting little projects done here and there that I haven't taken the time to do for awhile.  Maybe I can get more done if I stop messing around on the computer.  Maybe.


  1. Sorry to hear the bug is back. Get well soon. love GrammaK and Granpa Tom

  2. Hope the kids start feeling better. I feel like I am getting it now !!!! Or else allergies!


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