Coffee Run

It's a rainy, gray day here today.  I went for a good run/interval workout at the track this morning and when I got home, I wanted to do something different than our normal day of school.  But since we were sick a few weeks ago and missed a number of days of school already for that, we can't afford to take too many more days off (that is if we want to be done with school by late-mid-May when spring fever is RAGING in our midst).  So I decided to do something different today with school.  My original plan was to make a small batch of cake donuts to celebrate a new day.  But as I started getting things out, I realized that it would be more work than I wanted to do.  So I did the next best thing - or possibly even the best thing.  I loaded up our school books and the kids, once they had gotten dressed and had a small, somewhat healthier breakfast, and we went to the coffee shop to do school there.  They enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa along with a donut there.  I got a cup of coffee.  No donuts for me since I had already eaten.  I don't like to eat donuts in the morning as it makes my stomach feel a little sick.  It's probably a good thing, or I would eat lots of them in one sitting - like five of them or more.  Afternoon and evening donuts are okay if I limit myself to one. 

So anyway, I had glorious visions of us all quietly sitting there munching on donuts, sipping hot beverages, and getting lots of work done.  My vision only partly came true.  We quietly sat there munching donuts and sipping hot beverages, and only got a little bit of work done.  It's okay.  I should have had more realistic expectations of what we could get done in a public setting.  We'll just need to finish things up this afternoon now that we are home. 

Before Aaron left for work, I shared with him about my idea for the day.  He was sad.  He wanted to join us.  So we made a bargain that if I took the kids to the coffee shop, then we would stop by at his lunch break and have lunch with him at work.  I packed along some cheese sandwiches and after our coffee shop stay, we ate lunch with Aaron.  It made him happy to have us visit him. 

So now the morning is past, the afternoon is moving along, and I feel lazy.  Once again, I had every intention of taking along my camera and taking some pictures of our morning, but in the midst of making sure I had all of our school stuff and lunch stuff packed, the camera got forgotten.  Someday I'll get better at bringing my camera along and taking pictures.  Someday. 


  1. Donuts and cocoa for school? How soon can I enroll?!! MomK


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