
I have been enjoying reading your comments to me on various posts.  It really does brighten my day.  I got this one late one night.  It read:

Anonymous said...
every time I read your blog I'm amazed at what a sweet, patient, kind, loving husband you have! you are SO LUCKY!!!!!

I thought it was super sweet, because naturally I agree with it.  I had Aaron come and look at it and he was pleased with it too and thought it was very nice that someone noticed what a wonderful man he was.  Later on in the evening as we were lying in bed preparing to sleep, I made reference to the comment again and things started to get fishy.  He seemed to know more about who the author might be than I did.  I finally realized that I was presently talking to the author of the comment.  An all out battle ensued.  Our bed is about two feet from one of the walls and we call that gap "The Pit of Despair" and try to randomly send each other there when least suspecting or when the other is being obnoxious.  Aaron usually succeeds at it since he's bigger and stronger and I like to pester him obnoxiously (though I do put up a mighty fight).  So I attempted to send him to the pit of despair, but I was unable to fully succeed.  I was laughing too hard at his admission and following justifications.  "I wasn't lying!"  (True.  I did agree with the comment.  But that's beside the point.)  "I didn't say it wasn't me!"  (True.  But you didn't say it WAS you.)  "I couldn't believe you didn't suspect it as me immediately!"  (Well, you used exclamation points!  You never use exclamation points when you write!!!  Plus, it was all true.  Or at least it used to be true.  And besides, you rarely read my blog, so how was I to know that you had actually read it this time?).  So now Aaron is threatening to leave more comments in the anonymous author category.  I will have to be watchful and not so naive.

So now that I've shared probably too much information with you on my life, it's your turn!  Here's your question for commenting upon: 

Are you considered gullible or naive in any area of your life?  - as you can see, I am!  There are stories of me eating dog food when someone told me it was cheese, picking up the "pretty rock" someone told me to collect and then being told it was horse poop.  Yeah, I'm a pretty bright one. 


  1. HA!

    I'm very gullible, too. I once ate yellow snow because my siblings said that kind tasted better.

  2. Yes, I am ashamed to admit that I am super naive. Not only have I eaten the chocolate covered dog biscuit in junior high (I hate junior high!), but I have TWICE been conned into loaning men pretty significant sums of money. The first time, I was "loaning" money, with all the appropriate documentation including a lien, to a man to buy a vehicle so he could return to working. Not only did he not repay the several thousand dollars, but he reported the vehicle stolen and parted it out when it stopped running. This man moves around, has no land line, and has been impossible to trace. Then, just a year ago, I loaned a coworker several hundred dollars to pay for a good friend's funeral, I thought. This man also told me he was divorced. But he isn't divorced, and didn't have to pay for a friend's funeral. I did not "date" him, thank God for intuition there, but I did get taken financially. All calls and emails are ignored. So just tattoo "SUCKER" across my forehead.

  3. In reading your blog about Food the time I wondered why one of the comments would be about your loving and wonderful husband ! Didn't exactly go with your subject that night! HA! As far as myself being naive...I am savvy and wise to the ways of the world...and I didn't have "evil" siblings like you did !!!!! HA ! And I do use exclamation marks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Well, Aaron's antics don't surprise me at all since his father is such a character! You have to admit tho, that your father-in-law is a lovable character!

  5. Hey! Who's talking about me? En tout cas, this was a hilarious story! Can I cut and paste to send onto family snail mailers? Love Tom

  6. Oh! and Bo really "got me" by defining pseudoly "potter's trip" when his mother had meant "potter's trim"! (Isn't it fun to make up words?) Tom


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