Water Fun

I struggle with liking the whole spring ahead time change.  6:00 felt really early this morning.  Not to mention dark.  I was quite happy to be running in the light in the mornings.  Now it is back to darkness running.  Hopefully it won't be dark for long.  I like to see the potholes in the road before I fall into them. 
I saw Snow White lounging around in a cup full of water the other day.  It amused me.  She looked like she was having fun.
This is an activity the girls enjoy greatly - filling up cups of water and playing with the little dolls.  I think they often have swimming lessons there.  Not sure what other things they do with the water.  They usually make a mess with it, but are pretty good about cleaning it up once they are done.  I occasionally have to remind them.  But it does bring several hours of entertainment to each day.
Abby took a fall on Saturday while walking home from a friend's house.  It's looking better already.  She and Ana were walking home, with the escort of their friends, when Abby fell on the sidewalk and bashed her face.  Ana sent TJ ahead to run here and get me while she stayed with Abby to help her as best as she could.  Two bloody and swollen lips, two loosened teeth, and a scraped nose, mouth and cheek.  She was one sad little girl.  On the plus side, she got to eat special soft foods for supper (yogurt, applesauce, pudding, etc.).  Her teeth aren't bothering her too badly now.  I think they'll tighten back up soon.


  1. Ouchie! Abby should ask her daddy about falling down and bashing his nose and teeth...though not sure he remembers the first tumble down the basement stairs.

    Fun swimming pools for the little dolls. Love GrammaK


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