Picture Day

Abby has about 15 of these little dolls.  She plays with them at least 3 hours a day, if not more.  She loves them.  But sometimes they fall apart.  So this lady and her man had to go to the "doll hospital" as Abby calls it to get fixed.  Yea for glue!  She is happy to have them back in her doll family. 
Breakfast this morning was Christmas tree pancakes with various flavored chips for ornaments.  The kids liked them.  They didn't look quite as nice once they were flipped to the other side to finish cooking.  Oh well. 
Until David was about 5, we kept our big tub of blocks downstairs in the dining room.  They got moved up to his room when we inherited a pile of dress-up clothes from Aaron's step-grandma when she passed away.  They weren't really dress-up clothes per se, but they were so flamboyant and fun that we kept the greatest outfits for the kids to play dress-up with.  We've gotten some good use out of the dress-ups and even have times when various adults join in the dress-up fun.  I have blackmail pictures from that time...  Anyway, once the blocks were moved upstairs, I noticed that they were never played with much anymore, which was sad, since David used to make these really awesome structures out of them.  So this morning, I moved the dress-ups to the upstairs and brought back down the blocks.  About an hour later, I walked past and saw this scene:
And here's a random assortment of lego horses nicely lined up on the dining room floor right now.  I like how this picture makes my floor look so reflective, like my floor is really clean. 
I did an exercise video yesterday morning to keep my winter training interesting as I don't always like to run out in the cold.  Now I am SO SORE!  That's good since I know it definitely worked me out.  Just don't make me laugh right now because it hurts my stomach to laugh...or cough...or move.  I'm hoping to get a long run in tomorrow morning - hopefully it will help work out some of my soreness.  All for now.  have a great weekend!


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