Christmas Cookies

Yesterday's advent box activity was Christmas cookie making.  We all had fun decorating the cookies we made.  I made a small batch so we wouldn't have to eat them all.  We each had a plateful to decorate and keep as our own.  I've learned that I usually don't want to eat the children's cookies that they decorate as they are either heavily laden with sprinkles or been handled with fingers that are licked every three seconds.
Here are some pictures from our cookie decorating night.  Everyone is hard at work.

Even Aaron got in on the decoration fun.
Today is Aaron's birthday, so we took him a raspberry cheesecake today at work to help him celebrate.  His boss' family was very excited about the cheesecake.  I sure do like my husband a lot.  He's awesome. 

We had an interesting experience this morning before leaving to go see Aaron.  David was huddled over the vent this morning as is his custom every day in the winter when he wakes up and gets warmed up.  Anyway, I called him to the table for breakfast and went back to the stove.  I suddenly heard him groan in an odd way and I turned around just in time to see him fall to the ground after whacking his head on the table.  Now, it's not unusual for my children to randomly fall out of their chairs and injure themselves, but they way he fell out did not look right at all.  So I ran over there to find him lying in a heap on the floor.  He had fainted!  He very quickly came to and was dazed and in pain from whacking his face.  He said he felt really dizzy right before he fell over.  Our guess is that huddling over the warm vent for awhile followed by suddenly standing up in the colder air made his blood pressure all weird and caused him to faint.  He took it well and we had a good chuckle over it once it was all over and we knew he was okay.  He has a small bruise on his cheekbone and nose from hitting the table on his way down, but nothing major. 


  1. Yikes for David. It is a strange sensation to wake up after fainting. Glad he is ok. Tell him not to be so quick to jump up for breakfast again.


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