Good start to the day

We slept in today.  It was lovely.  The kids came in and snuggled in bed with us later on in the morning.  I always like family snuggle time.  Aaron somewhat jokingly told the children to go and make breakfast for us.  And so they did!  Ana made us toast and brought us juice.  She brought it to us in bed.  So we had breakfast in bed, courtesy of Ana!  David made us a pot of coffee.  We told him how to do it.  The only thing we failed to specify was the size of the spoon to use when scooping out the coffee grounds.  He used a very large serving spoon instead of the small spoon we usually use.  So our coffee was a bit strong this morning.  : )  It was still good and very sweet of him. 

That was a great start to our day.  Today is a busy day for me.  The kids at church are putting on a Christmas play tomorrow.  I am in charge of getting that done.  This year, we are doing an adaptation of the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  It should be cute.  We have dress rehearsal tonight, so I am busy today getting final things done for it and doing the things that I have procrastinated on doing until today.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow, but I will be happy when it's over and I can relax a bit in preparations! 

Here's a picture of a new enjoyment I've had lately.
This is similar to Monster Mash ice cream, but not quite as wonderful.  It's a good replacement for when going to the ice cream shop isn't feasible.  Plus it's a bit cheaper too!  I've been enjoying it.  It will be gone soon though.  Sadness.
Here's a cute little note Ana wrote the other day.  She put her last Christmas cookie in it and wanted to make sure no one touched it.  If you can't read it, it says: "Ana Only.  Do not touch or get eate(n)... by me!  Yum!"  She is funny.  She also has a sign upstairs in her room that points to her little sleeping nook and says:  "Piranhas only.  Do not enter or you will be eaten."  Then underneath that in her special made up code she wrote, "And I'm the only piranha here"  She did tell Aaron and me that we could come in her nook when we tuck her in and kiss her good night.  So she's not a completely fearsome piranha.  She makes me laugh.  I love her notes.  She's been writing them since she was four and learned how to sound out things.  I've saved some of the best ones.  I think my favorite one was this one:  "STOP DSUPLINEN ME MOM.  OK MOM."  I think she was having a trying day with doing naughty things.  Another early note said, "I'M ANGREE.  I WUNT SOMFEN TO ET.  OK MOM."  She's also drawn pictures for me showing me how she feels about things.  It's precious.  It seems to give her the opening she needs to talk about things that are on her heart. 

Well, I had better get busy.  There's lots to do and I'm not getting anything done by sitting here at the computer!  Have a great weekend!


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