A Tribute To My Mom

I am undertaking a three week challenge as a way of support for my dear mother.  I would include a picture here of her if I could, but she would not appreciate that (though I do have permission to write this post) Years ago, as a wee little lass, she had the misfortune of contracting polio.  While she was able to regain normal function and led a very normal life for most of her years, polio has reared its ugly head once more in her life, this time in the form of post-polio syndrome.  Click here for a link to just what post-polio is.  For those of you who prefer a one sentence summary of PPS, it's mainly a continual weakening of the muscles that were affected when polio was first contracted - it can range from mild to quite debilitating.  My mom has been struggling with full blown PPS for a couple of years now.  There is really no cure at all, few medicines to help, just learning to listen to your body in what it now has decided that it can no longer do and trying to keep your activity level in check.

All that to say, it's been a hard couple of past years for my mom filled with frustrations at a body that just won't do what she wants it to be able to do.  She used to love walking as a way of exercising, but now that is pretty much impossible as walking any sort of distance does more harm than good to her body now.  She has struggled with working on being physically fit since just about every form of exercise is out.

So that brings her to present day.  She is sick and tired of feeling bad and is ready to make some serious changes to her diet.  She got ahold of this book that challenges readers to make dramatic health improvements with a 21 day kickstart of going completely vegan.  This is completely foreign territory to her and as a way of showing moral support I am joining her in this venture so she won't feel so alone in it.  We are also cutting out most sugars during the 21 days as well. 

Today marks Day 1 of our journey.  My mom's goal is to just feel better physically and if she loses weight in the process, that will be a bonus.  My goal is to find delicious foods/recipes/ideas to share with her and make the process more fun.  I'm looking forward to seeing if I can tell a difference in how I feel versus eating how I normally eat. 

I had debated about writing about this since I didn't want to make a big deal about it and don't want people to change what they make because of me (we get together a lot with friends and tend to have lots of meals with people).  So there will be challenges of what to do when I'm offered a meal with friends during this time.  I haven't decided what I will do yet.  But after thinking about it for awhile, I decided that I am going to go ahead and make this public for two reasons.  1) as a way to hold me accountable to this - it would be easy to slip in a little dairy here and there and the biggest reason is 2) as a way to honor, support, and help my mom.  I'm so proud of her for being willing to do this and I want to do anything possible to help her along the journey as she tries healthy ways of getting a better grip on her health.

So here's what I need from you:  Show your support for my mom.  Leave an encouraging note here (her name is Cindy) - even if you don't know her.  She reads this blog religiously and will see all comments you leave her and feel very blessed by them.  Encourage her in this hard time of transition.  Be a cheerleader for her!  I'll try to keep you all posted on how we are doing.


  1. Best wishes to you both as you embark on this together! It will have its valleys, I am sure, but I know that we are what we eat and good things will come your way.

  2. What a great way to suppot each other! So, I guess our famous green icing cakes are out? :) Melissa, thanks for sharing. . . I had no idea you, Cindy, had been struggling physically. I have loved being your fb friend not only for all the encouragement you give me, but seeing how many others you bless and encourage daily. Thank you for looking beyond yourself and pain to bless others. Sending you both hugs!!!!!

    1. Thank you Danette; You have always been a blessing to myself and Melissa too. Your kind spirit has always shown through...even as a little girl. I think the only time you were not a blessing was the time you and Melissa almost gave me a heart attack when you went trick or treating on a cold dark rainy night and I could not find you guys when I went looking. You and her were high and dry at her grandparents house just chit chatting away!!!! :) And if I remember right...the cakes just didn't have green icing...it was a lovely shade of olive-mud green !!!! And yes that would be an out now !!!!! Thanks again....love you and think you have the cutest little girl ever..who is lucky to have you as a mother

  3. You can do it, Cindy! Melissa will be a great cheerleader/encourager for you. You WILL feel better if you eat really well. What fun it will be to try some new things too!

    1. Thank Tiffany. It will be hard since I am not the greatest eater but Melissa is always an encourager in my life. I actually feel better...even after one day.

  4. Aww, you're such a good daughter Melissa, and an inspiration, I hope you and your mother as well as your family get all sorts of benefits from the diet change especially your mother becoming more healthy. :) I think I'm already too late to start on day 1 with you guys but I will definitely be sure to make some conscious choices about my own meals in the coming days as well. Good luck!

    1. Never too late to jump on the band wagon Brenna !!!

  5. Thank you Melissa. Love you. You are a blessing and thanks to all who have replied. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

  6. I am so impressed! I know you both can get through this 21 days and learn alot and hopefully feel much better.

    1. Come to Iowa Gail and we can do this together...plus hold each other up as we hobble around ! Ha !

  7. I truly hope this works for you and makes you feel much better. I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! If I can be of any assistance, let me know.
    The other girl child.

    1. Thank you other girl child. Love you too. Any help anyone can give is appreciated.

  8. Well kudos to you both. I have been to the "sick and tired of being sick and tired" stage. When I had my gastric bypass the Doc put my "tube" lower on my intestine than normal. I had alot to lose so it was ok. That just caused a chain reaction of things that went wrong. So in Sept of 2005 a very nice dietician came in my room at the hospital and saw me and knew right away I was starving to death. Brenna knows what I looked like at that time. Somewhere there are pictures to remind me of how bad it was. I had a feeding tube put in, TWICE, As all things I ate were going out before I could draw any value from them. I was shooting straight protein shakes into the tube 3 times a day. It helped some. I have went through various problems with this surgery but I would still take the journey as I dont weigh 400 anymore. Now I am to the point I am feeling good enough to do something and try and get into shape. SO like you I am ready to have a plan of action. I dont plan on doing a marathon but I do plan on getting more fit. Now dropping meat for me is not an option. Eating less of it I can do. So please Cindy know that you arent out there struggling alone. As I wait for the day the doctor says I can go up and down stairs.(I had a heel spur removed Dec 14th) That will be the day I begin. Turning 50 has made me want to enter that last half of my life better than the first.

    1. Blessings to you Kim on your journey too. It is harder getting old but not impossible.

  9. Great idea to try this together. I don't see that it can in any way be harmful and a good chance that it will have some very positive results...a closer relationship at the very least. Go vegans :) and prayers for you both.

  10. Wow what an inspiration you 2 are! I can speak from experience that diet change can make a huge difference in health. I will be cheering for both of you!!


  11. Thanks both of you Anonymous and Iva. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I am feeling better already. Hopefully things will just get better and better.

  12. Cindy, I think it's awesome what you're doing! I, too, have seen the difference diet changes have made in my body and my mental attitude. I hope that it's the same for you. I'll be really curious to read updates on how it's going for you! You can do it!!!

  13. Thanks girlevolving. I feel better already. I will let Melissa keep you all informed as to how I am doing. Appreciate your support

  14. I am with you, and will protect you where you go. Geneis 28:15- this is a new journey for you and God will be with you every step and continue to protect you along this difficult journey. Much love and prayers for you all! Cherri Bornman and family


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