Play Day

This morning we had to take Aaron to work as his car was not working.  So I figured we should do something a little out of the ordinary to spice up school.  We got some day old donuts from Casey's and then headed out to the coffee shop after dropping Aaron off at work.  We sat there and did our school work while I drank some nice, hot coffee.  The kids each got a small treat there as well once school work was finished.  They have a great little area for younger kids to play, so Abby was happily occupied the entire time.  Ana finished her school work quickly so she could go and play with Abby.  David sat and dallied around, he's still working on his school work here at home as he didn't get it done while we were there.  I enjoyed the change of scenery too.  We might have to do that every once in awhile this winter when school days start to seem long and monotonous.  A change of pace is always nice!

Today, the girls get to go to a friend's house while David is at his class this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to that.  Yea!  I got a lot of things done around the house yesterday.  I still have a fair amount to do, but I sure do love crossing off things on my "to-do" list.  Sometimes, when I have a big list and do something that's not on the list, I will go back and write down what I did and then immediately cross it off.  It makes me feel like I've accomplished even more.  Does anyone else ever do that, or am I just a dork? 

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year.  We are going to my aunt's with part of the extended family.  It should be fun.  You really can't go wrong with a large feast of food in my book.  I'll try to not overindulge too much. 

Running has taken a turn for the bitter cold.  A sharp, biting wind was present on this morning's run.  It makes me wish I lived in a place that was warm all year long.  Sure does make the desire to exercise stronger than staying in my toasty warm bed.  I'm thinking of replacing a run or two each week with an exercise video or something like that as I really don't enjoy having to bundle up to exercise.  We'll see if I can drag myself out of bed to do that.  I have a hard time waking up when it's still dark.


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