Giving Thanks

I had a very great weekend (sorry for not posting - I was too busy having fun).  In honor of our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, here are ten things I'm thankful for from the weekend, in no particular order.

Coffee House - I spent two hours there on Friday morning by myself while the kids were at their classes.  I took along my Bible, my journal, and a notebook.  Can't go wrong with that while sipping coffee and eating a monster cookie.  It was two hours of extreme happiness

Ice Cream - I have eaten a lot of it this weekend.  Flavors: Rocky Road, Turtle Tracks, Peanut Butter Panic (more on this later), Vanilla, Chocolate, Raspberry, and a peanut butter chocolate mixer at Culvers.  (I told you I ate a lot of ice cream this weekend, do you believe me now?). 

Running - I ran 8 miles on Saturday morning.  My foot felt great and I felt great. 

Yardwork - I finished cleaning off my garden and mowed up the bazillion leaves in our tiny yard.  I can now officially relax about getting it done before winter hits.  I still need to do the same at my in-laws.  Hopefully that will get done today over there and then I can not think about that either. 

My Parents - I really like them.  I got to go shopping with my mom Friday night for a little bit.  I needed to get a few things for church and thought it would be fun to go with her.  It was.  We met my dad in town and ate at Culvers (where I got my concrete mixer).  They are fun and I like hanging around with them.  I like acting like a goofball with my dad.

My neighbors - I have awesome neighbors.  The other night, one of my neighbors stopped by with a carton of the aforementioned Peanut Butter Panic ice cream just because.  It's his favorite kind and he knows how much we like ice cream and how much I adore peanut butter with my ice cream.  A natural fit.  Then he later brought over two tickets to the Iowa men's Basketball exhibition game for Aaron and me since he had some extras.  What a guy!  I'm sorry your neighbors aren't as awesome as mine. 

Basketball - we had a great time at the game.  Since it was an exhibition game, we figured kid tickets wouldn't be too expensive and that it would be fun to take the family out to a game.  We checked ticket prices and were so very happy to see that kids got in FREE!  What a treat!  We spent the money we would have spent on the tickets buying ice cream while we watched the game.  Abby ate an entire gigantic cone all by herself.  I was impressed (yet disappointed that I could help her finish it).  She must be my daughter.  And I do mean gigantic.  The ice cream was piled at least 7 inches above the cone.  I got to help Ana eat the rest of her cone and part of another one that Aaron and I were sharing. 

HuHot - the name of one of my favorite restaurants - a Mongolian grill where you make it how you want it and they grill it up for you while you watch.  LOVE IT!  I could seriously eat there every day.  The kids love it too.  We ate there before the game.

My husband - I fell asleep on the couch last night around 10:00 while watching football (another love of mine!).  When I awoke at 11:30 last night, I found that Aaron had done the dishes, swept, did a load of laundry, and tidied up the house while I slept like a lazy slug.  What an amazing man!  I love him.  I made him a nice breakfast this morning to retaliate his kindness.

My kids - they are so much fun.  So awesome.  They make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. I can't imagine my life without those three kiddos.  Each stage of life brings new challenges, but most of all, new joys.


  1. You are REALLY blessed. Neat husband and children.

    Also we are blessed by YOU and had a great time Friday. (we should do that EVERY Friday night)

  2. That's an awesome weekend! So fun!!!!


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