Sad Ana

My poor Ana is sick today (and yesterday).  She's so pathetically sad when she's sick.  It's nothing major, just a fever and bit of upset tummy.  She's getting lots of TLC today, no school, got to watch a movie and took a nap.  She hasn't even felt up to eating any of her candy from trick-or-treating. 

Speaking of candy, here's what I decided to do.  They each got to pick out 30 pieces to keep, and I'll let them eat a set amount each day (today was 5 pieces) - when they eat it is up to them.  If they want to eat it at breakfast time and not have any later on in the day, that's fine with me.  Let them figure that one out.  Abby finished hers very quickly this morning.  She wanted more, but I had to remind her of the rules.  Later on this afternoon, she was crying about something and told me that, "The only thing that will make me stop crying is a piece of candy."  I told her I was sorry to hear that since that meant she would have to keep crying until tomorrow.  I told her it was fine with me if she cried until tomorrow, but I would prefer if she cried upstairs in her room so I wouldn't have to listen to it.  Heartless, aren't I?  She eventually stopped crying.  : )

All for now.  I need to go and clean my house.  We are having friends over in an hour and I am procrastinating on house cleaning.  I did make bread and a dessert and have soup simmering on the stove top.  That should count for something, I think.  Maybe they'll not notice anything out of place as they focus on the food. 


  1. Oh poor Ana! And I love Abby - that girl cracks me up. :)

  2. Abby is too smart for her own good !!!!! So cute!


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