Last Night

"Facebook requires users to provide their real first and last names. Impersonating anyone or anything is prohibited, as is maintaining multiple profiles on the site. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reactivate this account for any reason. This decision is final.
Thanks for your understanding,

The Facebook Team"

That's the email I got this morning.  So apparently, I did not use my real name?  I wonder who I am.  But today I am able to get back on my account as if nothing happened.  I'm a bit confused, but I guess that's okay. 

Anyway, it's panic week at work for Aaron.  They have to have all their orders shipped out by the end of this week so they can be in showrooms by the day after Thanksgiving for Black Friday shopping binges.  Aaron has been working LONG hours this week.  We've taken supper to his work for the past two evenings so we can eat as a family and then he can continue working as soon as he's done.  I had meant to take my camera along last night, but as usual, I forgot it.  The kids LOVE to help out at the woodshop.  David likes sanding things and Ana spends time sweeping the floors and picking up scraps of wood.  So while Aaron worked for a few hours after supper, the older two stayed on sanding and sweeping.  They look so cute and serious as they work on their various tasks wearing their protective earphones.   Aaron rewarded them with a treat from Casey's when it was time to go home.  They were happy and enjoyed themselves.  He said they worked very hard.  They also spent time watching how rolling pins were made while waiting for Aaron to finish up his duties.  They thought that was pretty cool.

Since David and Ana stayed with Aaron after supper, Abby and I went home together and had a lovely evening just the two of us.  I like getting that special one on one time with my kids - even if we don't do anything special.  Last night, Abby and I watched Wheel of Fortune together, did the dishes together, tickled each other and read some books together.  It was fun and relaxing and we both had a good time. 

I'll end with a random funny quote from David.  I was commenting that at the rate he's been growing lately, he'll soon be taller than his dad.   He responded with, "Yeah, it's been like five feet every ten years."  So I guess by the time he's 20, he'll be 10 feet tall.  : )


  1. Glad Facebook let you off the hook ! I hope you learned your lesson on impersonating other people !!!???? :) That's not nice !!

    Comment about David's height...I have a feeling he might not be 10 foot tall BUT it isn't going to be too many more months and I will literally have to look up to him !!!


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