Messed Up Priorities

So here I sit, blogging, when I need to be doing 30,000 other things.  I had glorious hopes to have my house all shiny clean by the time I picked up my mom-in-law from the airport tonight.  Instead, I have shiny clean spots in my house.  For example, my microwave is gleaming inside and out.  My fridge got a good cleaning too inside, should you ever want to look inside of it.  I put up a new shower curtain to replace the highly torn up, rust covered old one.  Other random things got cleaned.  I guess I wasn't dealing with big picture this week - just little projects that have irritated me for the past several months.  I would try to download some pictures to show you, but I'm still having issues with that and don't have the time to figure it out.  Maybe later. 

I was grocery shopping at Aldi's yesterday and saw some Thanksgiving pies deeply discounted there.  Deeply discounted as in 25 CENTS EACH.  So I bought three.  I kept a pecan one for Aaron (he really likes pecan pie, but I never make them) and gave an apple pie to my parents and grandparents.  Woo hoo!  Score one (or three) for Team Fleming! 

So we're excited to pick up Grandma tonight.  The kids are super excited.  I'm not sure what's all on the agenda for the next day before we leave.  I'm sure we'll manage to pass the time happily.  Well, all for now.  Need to get my cleaning priorities straightened up for the next few hours before leaving to get Grandma! 


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