Snow Day!

We got a good snow last night.  We woke up to a fairly large pile of it on the ground.  Since we live in town, we're nice and protected on all sides of us and don't get as much as those out in the country where major drifts can pile up.  But we still got a lot for us.  This is out our back door.  There's a good six inch step to the little deck area from the door, so it had piled up above that as you can see.  Need to shovel those steps!
Here's the view out our front door.  Sorry for the poor quality of pictures.  I didn't want to go out and get a nice one.  This was just a quick shot from the front door.  Probably piled up over a foot in areas (I know it doesn't look like it in the pictures). 
Our awesome neighbor came out this morning and used his snowblower to clean off our sidewalk and also our entire driveway!  What a great neighbor we have!
So what do we do on a snow day?  Why school, of course!  We have no reason to not do school.  We will be thankful for doing school on these days in the spring when everyone else is in school and we can afford to take a day off when the weather is nice.  But it's not all hard work on days like this.  Aaron couldn't make it into work today, so he is home for the day.  He often comes home with little scraps of wood from the wood shop and gives them to the girls.  He calls them "fairy jewels" and these fairy jewels have magical powers.  They entitle the bearer to something special of their choosing to do with Daddy, aka "The Fairy King".  Here is their box with special fairy jewels.
They each have their separate jewels and then they have a few special ones that they can use together if they work together to find something they both agree upon.  
So today, Aaron got this note:  "Me and Abby want to use a fairy jewel that we can both use.  We want to get: pop, candy, and pizza!"  So, apparently that will be our special lunch today to celebrate our snow day.  I think Aaron talked them into choosing either pop or candy to go with the pizza, but not both.

Other things on the agenda, bread baking.  Our awesome snow blowing neighbor will be getting one of these loaves.  We will also hang out with some friends tonight once we trek through the snow to their house.  Thankfully, they only live a few blocks away.  We might try braving the cold to play outside for awhile too.  We'll see how warmly we can get dressed.  : )

I did not run this morning.  Julie and I looked outside last night at the strong wind, blowing snow that was piling up and decided it would not be very fun to try.  We realized it would have been an adventure and we enjoy adventures, but this did not look like a fun adventure.  Maybe we'll try tomorrow - it will still be an adventure, just not quite as much.


  1. Hey I braved the drifts to get to work....the least you could do would be to run 10 miles in it...piece of cake ! HA ! Actually I have to admit that you made a wise choice.


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