What Have They Been Doing???

Yesterday I was congratulating myself that I was down to one and a half bowls of tomatoes.  They apparently were busy overnight doing something.  I think these will get made into some pasta sauce in the very near future as well as some salsa.  Yea for canning!
David continues to read in awkward positions.  He informed me the other day that he thinks he wants to work in a library so he could be near more books.  Unfortunately, our little local library does not have volunteer opportunities for kids right now.  We were disappointed.  However, if he is to work at a library someday, he will need to learn to read in not such random positions.


  1. Looks like I see (almost) in this picture that his father might be in an awkward position too or at least a neck breaking one !!!! Maybe David reads better when the blood is rushing to his head !


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