Day One

Well, we survived day one of school!  It was a mostly good day, with a few challenges along the way.  I'm doing lots of new things this year in terms of scheduling so there may need to be adjustments made along the way.  As of right now, this is our weekly schedule.
Last week, we found three monarch caterpillars on a milkweed plant.  We brought them inside to watch them grow up.  It's been quite fascinating to see their rapid growth and the amazing amount of food they eat (not to mention the amazing amount of poop they produce).
We provided a nice little habitat for them so they could go into their cocoon.  Here is one getting set up to shed his skin.
Friday morning however, a caterpillar had gone missing.  I searched around for it, but couldn't find it.  I thought perhaps Joey, our cat, had gotten it as he was interested in them the night before.  In reality, the caterpillar had just eschewed our hospitality and decided to find his own little place to cocoon.  The kids found him underneath our cupboard.
We'll need to figure a way to release him back into the wild without injuring him once his transformation is complete.  So now we wait.


  1. Your school day looks very ambitious. Perhaps I should come and learn. Except your little friends (green ones) would perhaps frighten me away a bit !!!!!

  2. It's fun to see your ingenious method for working with three kids of different ages and ability! Many blessings on your entire year!


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