Happy Birthday To Me!

I turned 33 yesterday.  I enjoy my birthday celebrations each year.  I don't need lots of parties or hype - mainly just a time to be with the people I love the most.  Aaron took me out on a date on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday.  We decided to dress up nicely for once.  Aaron even wore a tie for the first time in a very long time.  Here we are as we dropped the kids off at their friends house to spend the night there.
We didn't have a super exciting date by many people's standards, but it was by mine!  We ate out - that right there is all I need to be happy.  Eating out is such a treat for me, we rarely do it.  We also went to my new favorite frozen yogurt place.  Aaron didn't swoon with love over it, the silly boy.  I still was enamored with it.  And since we were already in town and the night was still young, we did the romantic thing and stopped to pick up a few things at Walmart that we were out of (milk, bread, eggs, etc.).  Came home and enjoyed a quiet evening at home without children around.  We made some late night nachos and enjoyed them with a jar of salsa that hadn't sealed from my canning day that week.  It was a lovely night.

Yesterday, after a great morning at church, we went to my parents house for lunch.  We ended up staying there the entire day, with a little visit tucked in at my grandma's house.  I really enjoy going to my parents because then I am not surrounded with my large pile of to-do things staring at me in the face.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I needed a day off.  My week last week was good, but fairly emotional.  I go through this every year at this time.  The start of school is a huge adjustment to me where I still have a pile of things to do, but six less hours each day to do it all in. I fight back feeling like I'm failing as I fall behind in various things (usually in my fight to keep a somewhat tidy house). Canning season is still in full swing (as is evidenced by the four large plastic grocery sacks full of tomatoes sitting on my kitchen floor, and the two grocery sacks stuffed full of green beans in my fridge).  I had a few other obligations to do as well this past week and I was feeling weary and emotionally vulnerable. So my date night and yesterday did much to rejuvenate me.

This week, I hope to catch up on canning before my produce all rots!  I also have our small group from church coming over on Wednesday.  That will help me with getting the house clean.  Nothing like a little external motivation to get moving.  Plus I need to continue baking for my sister's wedding which will be in less than two weeks!!!  Yea! I'd better go and get busy now!


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