The Party

Guess how many pictures I took of David's birthday party?  TWO!  Aren't you impressed?  I took one at the beginning here and one at the end.  We took one of his buddies to an indoor play place that had mini-golf and a play set thing like they have at McDonalds type places, except on a much larger scale.  Here they are playing golf.
I LOVED it!  I sat there indoors for two and a half hours and read a book mostly uninterrupted.  It was so delightful!  The girls had fun playing while David and his friend alternated golf and then playing on the jungle gym.  We picked up a few more kids on the way home and they all had fun playing one of those games I despise.  The type where you have to conquer the world and each turn takes approximately 2.5 hours.  Here is picture number two - blowing out the candles on the pathetic castle cake.  It was attacked by cannons during the night before, so I had to do some quick repair work to get it set up again.  I'm definitely not a great cake maker.  At least I try!
Today, I started canning tomatoes.  I ran out of lids, so I only got about a third of these done.  I've never had tomatoes as beautiful as I'm having this year.  They are huge and spotless.  So pretty!
I was inspired with the small remainder of tomato chunks I had leftover from canning to cook it down into a sauce and make pizza for our supper tonight.  The one on the right is for the kids - plain sausage and cheese.  Nothing interesting.  Mine (and I guess I'll share with Aaron) is the beautiful left one.  I made a batch of pesto today to freeze and used some of that as my sauce, topped with the leftover tomato sauce that wouldn't fit on the other pizza, some seasoned sauteed chicken, cheese and fresh tomato.  I didn't have the fresh tomato on here.  Can't wait to eat it soon!
What did you have for supper?


  1. Loved the reports on the birthdays. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
    Your garden produce looks really yummy! We've had some sweet corn too, some from our landlords garden and 2 ears from our own garden. Most of our garden is too shady, so the corn is not tall and sturdy. Tomatoes and green chile peppers are a couple weeks from ready, but there are some eggplant ready to pick. Well, moving day is just 5 days away. Yikes, better go pack some more stuff! Thanks for the photos and news! Love, MomK


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