Cleaning Fairies and School Books

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by my to-do list.  But then something magical happened.  These two strangely dressed creatures arrived at my house and without speaking began to clean.  I had something like this happen last year.  It was amazing.  They wouldn't speak to me, but just went about silently cleaning.  I managed to convince them this year to stick around for a little snack as a thank you.  They even let me take their picture this year.
Ana and Abby arrived right after the cleaning fairies left.  They said they had been outside playing.  They were surprised to see the house so clean.  But they were disappointed when they asked for a snack and I had to tell them that I gave their snack to the cleaning fairies.  The cleaning fairies visit definitely brightened up my day. 

We also went to the city yesterday and stopped off at the library.  I got our first round of library books for school (which will start on Monday!).  Ana was excited about reading them.  The stack on the couch are the ones she had already read last night with the ones on her lap being what she wanted to finish reading.  Guess she won't have much reading to do this next week.  : )
Speaking of school, I'm getting closer to getting ready.  I plan on spending a few days later on this week finalizing my plans.  I'm nervous.  I get this way every year, especially when I make big changes.  This year I am not only adding another kid to the mix, but completely changing how I do school.  So until I get that first week out of the way, I feel nervous when I think about it.  I hope it goes well! 

I also am working hard this week on getting caught back up on produce canning (or at least until I go out and pick more).  I canned 14 more pints of salsa yesterday and am today working on pasta sauce.  I also need to finish putting away the last of my peaches.  That's on the agenda for today.

Do you can?  What's your favorite/least favorite part of all of it?


  1. As you know ...I don't can since I started working full time 26 years ago. I just wasn't able to handle more stress. I like your cleaning fairies !!!! They can come to my house. One day at work while I was at lunch ...years ago...I had a filing fairy come and do a bunch of my filing. Never found out who it was and shucks...they haven't showed up since...wish they would !!!!


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