'Tis the Season

I love the month of August.  It's the time of fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob.  I finally got my first taste of the season of corn. If I had to wait much longer, bad things may have happened. 
I also love August because it's my birthday month!  My birthday isn't until the end of the month, but I've taken cues from my dear husband and declare a "birthday season" for myself.  Aaron was born 10 days before Christmas, so his birthday is always getting lumped together with Christmas, so he solved that problem by giving himself a whole birthday season.  It's basically an excuse to do all sorts of fun things for yourself in the name of your birthday.  I fought the concept with him for a number of years before giving in and going along with him as long as I could have my own season as well.  It's been a great thing.  I must admist, he's on to something.

So last Thursday, my Mom and I kicked off the official start of my birthday season together.  We spent much of the day together first going shopping in the morning.  My mom takes me clothes shopping every year and helps me pick out new clothes.  I think this is her subtle way of telling me that I need new clothes.  Are there any other 32 year old women out there who need their mother's to tell them what clothes look good on them and what doesn't?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  I will probably be one of those old ladies who wear completely outdated clothes because I'm clueless that it went out of style 30 years ago.  Anyway, here is a not very good picture of the shirt and vest-like thingy we got.  I'm wearing it with my skirt from last year's birthday shopping trip.  Not the greatest picture, it looks cuter in real life.
We got another shirt and a long sleeve thing too to layer over other shirts for winter.  Yea!  My wardrobe expanded!  After that, we went to lunch.  I decided I didn't want to go somewhere I've ever been before.  We found a new restaurant.  I forget what it's called, but it's centered around noodles.  There were lots of different options.  I chose a coconut curry noodle dish.  YUM!  My mom had a japanese pan noodle dish.  I'm definitely going back there.  Then we went to try out a new yogurt store, called Gherties.  Can I just say I found a new favorite place to go?  It's the shop of my dreams.  There were 8 different kind of frozen yogurt and all the kinds of toppings you could possibly want (except peanut butter).  You pay by the ounce and they give you ginormous bowls to fill up in hopes that you do like the two little girls in front of us and fill your bowl completely full to overflowing.  It's a work of self-control.  I went a little above what I should have gone, but still managed to eat all of it.  It was so good.  I am demanding that Aaron take me there for my birthday celebration when we go out.  It's probably good that it's a long drive from our house.  If it was within walking distance I would be tempted every single day to go there.  We then went next door and got a gourmet piece of cake to finish off our celebration.  Don't worry, we didn't eat it then.  We took it home to eat later.  : )  It was a fantastic day.

In the midst of my own birthday celebrations, I can't forget that of my son's either!  He turned 11 yesterday.  We gave him his present yesterday along with his choice of birthday lunch (he chose pizza, pop, and ice cream).  Then we played games with him for awhile.  Today is his party with his buddies.  I'm taking him and one of his friends out to play mini-golf this afternoon.  Then we'll pick up a few more on our way home and have a sleepover tonight.  He wants to watch a movie with them.  David also desired that I make him a castle cake.  I'm not too pleased with my attempt.  But he thought it wasn't that bad.  We'll put more frosting on when it's eating time. 
All for now.  I'm taking my camera along for the birthday expedition along.  Do you think I'll take pictures of anything?

How about you:  Do you stretch your birthday out as long as possible?  Do you struggle to remember to take pictures - or are you the opposite of me?


  1. Love the clothes and the cake!

  2. It was a fun day wasn't it? Enjoy your lovely company. The place is called...of all things....NOODLES ! Very inventive, huh?
    On the subject of pictures....I take my camera everywhere and take absolutely NO PICTURES with it....so I think your problem is genetic !!!!!


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