New Tummy Shot and Tooth Trials

I took this picture yesterday before church - I'm almost 19 weeks here - definitely looking pregnant.
Aaron finally felt the baby move last night.  It made him happy.  I had been able to feel it from the outside for several weeks now, but every time I tried to get Aaron's hand there, the baby would stop kicking.  I'm enjoying feeling good again and having a little more energy - though I do get more tired out sooner than I used to.  I guess that goes with the territory.  Next week is our ultrasound appointment.  We decided that we are going to find out what we are having!!!  I'm super excited about this!

Yesterday, right as church was ending, David took a nasty fall at church.  Somehow, the only thing he managed to hurt was his lips and one front tooth. It appeared that his single tooth took the entire fall.  He cracked it vertically from top to bottom, and then along the gum line was another crack running horizontally.  So I spent about 20-30 minutes searching for a dentist who does emergency dental work - finally found someone and away we zoomed.  They took x-rays and examined him and thought that they might be able to save his tooth, but as they kept going and working with it, it was clear that it was not salvageable as more and more of it broke off as they worked on it, exposing the nerve.  So, they ended up pulling it. David was quite brave through the whole ordeal.  I think he cried right at first when it happened, but by the time I got to him, he had calmed down enough that I missed the main outburst of emotion.  He was pretty nervous about it as we drove to the dentist and all the pain that might happen as they worked on him, but was trying to be brave with it. Thankfully, they offered the option of nitrous oxide to help him relax and we accepted that offer. He was much more relaxed as they worked on him and got him all good and numbed up.  He enjoyed unlimited options of his favorite foods last night when we got home - mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, and orange sherbet. This morning he is doing quite fine - no pain and the swelling in his lips is down.  We have an appointment with our regular dentist tomorrow to start talking about our options now to replace it.  He may have to have a removable tooth for awhile until he is done growing and then we can talk about more permanent options.  I asked David if I could take a picture of his mouth to share here, but he declined. So I guess you'll just have to used your imagination on my gap toothed boy now. 

How about you?  Have you ever had any tooth trauma?  This is my first experience with the whole issue.
Any guesses on what the gender of my baby is? 


  1. Poor little guy, hopefully he can get a fake took or something so he wont have a gap the rest of his life. But I have to say he's one brave kid!! I'm very happy for you and Aaron to see you are doing well with the little one! I still think of New Life all the times and miss you all very much!! Sending lot's of love to the New Life Church family!

    ~Mindy~ <3

  2. We (the family) knows all about my wonderful teeth but my trauma came when I had to have a root canal. For some reason back in the good old days (I was 12) the dentist said because of infection...he could not deaden the tooth or he was going to do a root canal and take out the nerves anyway. Imagine a 12 year old with her feet up in the chair and back arched in horrible pain. You can say it was tramatic since I still remember 51 years later !!!! I don't envy David at all.

  3. I had a front tooth trauma as an adult. The dog and I were playing ball and we had a collision when we were both going for the ball. My tooth broke in half horizontally. The next day, I had a root canal, and I now have a titanium post screwed in and a lovely crown. The long term fix was time consuming, but because it was an injury, regular health insurance and dental insurance covered everything. Hope his recovery and ongoing treatment go as well as can be expected.

  4. SO glad you're finding out... for my sake. :)

    Bummer about David! That would really hurt!

    I guess... boy. But I actually think girl. What are you thinking?

  5. My sister took a fall and her tooth took the brunt of it. That was back when she was 13 or 14. So she had a "flipper" or whatever. That's what she called it. And now something that just sticks there. Not sure what she has but it works and looks beautiful. She has hard moments where she thought she lost her tooth or chipped it- she told me that its not fun having a front tooth missing. Definitely feel all awkward and goofy looking.

  6. Too bad about David's fall. Hurts just to think about it. Sounds like he is a really brave guy.

    At first I was thinking I had not had a tooth trauma (except in the wallet) until I read Minyo's post . . . then I remembered! Some 40 years ago our sweet Irish Setter Darcey bumped me in the mouth with her hard head . . . a front tooth abcessed bringing horrid pain, then a root canal and post.

    I know nothing about such things . . . but I'm guessing a boy. Take care!

  7. I fell on my face in 4th grade. I chipped my front tooth. The inside right side. I had it chipped for awhile then got it fixed and it was an ORDEAL to say the least. I remember it VIVIDLY. I had it redone in high school then I had a bridge put in for all 3 of the front ones. I love my teeth now. It was weird the first time I saw it without the chip though. It was part of my smile for 20 some years. Good Luck to David. Also what if baby is where you cant tell. Thats what I am hoping for!!hehe Love ya Kim

  8. You look great! I just want to say that I think it's so funny that you want to find out what you're having and Aaron needed lots of convincing. I like the idea of being surprised the 3rd time around since we already have 1 boy and 1 girl, but Michael can't stand the suspense!! My guess for you is a girl.


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