Happy Birthday Ana!

Today is Ana's 8th birthday! 
 We've had a good day so far.  A couple of weeks ago when I asked Ana was she was interested in getting for her birthday, she suggested getting her ears pierced.  Aaron and I talked it over and decided that we would allow that.  In both of our families of origin, we (girls) had to wait until they were in 6th grade or age 12 to get our ears pierced.  Neither one of us was sure why that rule was instated - maybe because it's sort of a permanent thing for older kids?  Anyway, we decided given Ana's great delight in sparkly things that we would be happy to indulge her in this.
Here she is sitting in the chair excitedly/nervously waiting for it to happen.  She's clutching her new kitty from Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Keith.  They went out yesterday with her to celebrate.  She got to spend the night at their house too.
Finished product!  She didn't cry, though she did say it hurt more than she expected.
Side view.  She chose the June birthstone for her studs.  I heard her tell me many times after she got them done about how this was the best birthday present ever because she can enjoy it for the rest of her life.  She was pretty enamored with the little jewelry store and all the different earrings that are available to wear once she is able to change out of these. 
We came home from our excursion and made kitty cupcakes together to share at her t-ball game tonight.
She'll have a couple of friends over on Saturday to have a little party with her.  And then the long wait begins for next year's birthday...

Question for youDid you have rules about when you could get your ears pierced?  How old were you when it happened (or if it ever did)?


  1. What an awesome birthday present for her! It's obviously something very special to her that meant a lot. And my gosh, she looks like you! Happy Birthday to Ana!

  2. So exciting for Ana. Glad she liked this birthday. She surprised me by the gift she wanted me to buy for her. She is all of a sudden becoming quite girly...maybe Abby is rubbing off on her ! So cute. Anyway, I didn't get my ears pierced until I was in my 40's when you and your sister forced me into it for one of my birthdays !!!!!

  3. happy birthday ana! you were a brave girl to get your ears peirced!!

  4. I think we had to be 12 or 13, too!

  5. Ana looks so good with her earrings! What a cutie!

    My mom told me at age 9 if I let her get my hair cut in to a pixie, she would get my ears pierced. But it wasn't until I was 12 that she finally kept her end of the bargain.


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