
If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember this post where I found a little note written on the wall in the girls room.  It was cute and I was amused, though made sure to not let Ana know how much it made me smile.  While we were doing the Great Room Clean this past week, I found that the little note written on the wall had been updated.
Now Dad won't feel left out.  And there's a sparkly jewel sticker to help decorate it.  A small distance from this wall decoration is another one.
This one might be from Abby.  I think I'll have to have a small chat with the girls as the hand written wall decorations have multiplied from the last time I saw them.  I am okay with the other way they have decorated their walls.  They play "school" and Abby gets graded on her various artwork.  Most of them are given an A+, but some go as low as a C-. 
I am pretty bad at the whole decoration thing.  I did not inherit my mother's capabilities to take random things and turn them into beautiful creations.  I did decide to paint maps on David's room.  Ever since he was a toddler, he has been enthralled with maps.  Thanks to the Leap Pad, at the ripe old age of 2, he knew about 90% of the world's countries by sight along with about 70% of their capitals.  It was a really fun time.  He's since forgotten most of it.  However, he still enjoys maps.  I did a US map on one wall.
South America and Central America

I had thought of doing a world map, but that seemed like a huge, overwhelming project.  Maybe I'll still do it someday.  I'd like to do Africa on another wall. 
This picture is purely for my mom's benefit.  It's still not done...  hint, hint...
Your turn:  Are you decorationally challenged?  Do you like to decorate?  Can you come to my house and help me? 


  1. You really know how to lay on the guilt...don't you now? You certainly never learned that from me ! As far as finishing the castle...looks like the girls could do a good job of that !

  2. I have a world map poster somewhere from National Geographic that you could hang in David's room. I will look for it. I think I brought it over once for him, but no one was home, so I stashed it somewhere.

    I am good at ideas, like making inexpensive "artwork" but am not talented in actually painting art. I read a lot of books on shabby chic decorating. There are lots of fun ideas. I do have an old children's nursery rhyme book with Mary Cassatt paintings (mother and child) that I thought would make great framed artwork for a young girl's room. I think there are ten in the book, so your hubbie could cut some picture molding for ten frames, and we could do the rest in a few hours. Old children's books are a great source for artwork. I have a pile if you wanted to look through them...


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