
Ana had her first official sleepover at our house this weekend.  Of course, being the good mother that I am, I did not take any pictures of the time.  Oops.  She invited over one of her friends who is also a homeschooler.  The last few hours before she arrived passed agonizingly slow for Ana.  But once she arrived, all the past angst immediately disappeared.  They spent the evening playing with their magic fairy wands that Ana had made for each of them, casting magic spells to make things happen - they pretty much made supper as they ordered everything I did as I prepared things ("Now, I will make water cups appear on the table!").  It was pretty cute.  They turned in their fairy wands in exchange for wooden swords and spears after awhile.  It was time to defeat some nasty foe (which was me, apparently, as I happened to walk by at the wrong time).  Easter egg dyeing was also in the mix, along with drawing on the whiteboard.  Sleep was hard to achieve for them, morning came too soon.  Church, lunch, and then roller skating happened the next day and then the day was complete.  All in all, it was a successful adventure and they both seemed to have fun.  Perhaps we'll have to do it again.

I took last week off from running after Monday.  My foot, the one I struggled with during marathon training, started hurting a bit.  So I am being over-protective of it.  I trotted on it for 15 minutes this morning and then spent time walking after that.  So far so good, but I don't want to come back too fast on it, even though I'd like to go out and run more than that.  Oh well.  I'm enjoying all the walking I'm doing instead of running - it sure is a lot easier to go walk than run!

Aaron helped me clean a bunch on Saturday morning.  Our office looked horrid and was feeling way too chaotic for me, so he spearheaded the beginning organization of it while I did other work.  It was the best thing ever.  I make sure to tell him how sexy and attractive he is when he cleans.  Positive reinforcement works wonders.

So I want to hear from you now so I don't feel so random about my cleaning skills:  What areas in your life are you neat and organized in?  What areas are your trouble spots?  I'm super organized in my underwear/sock drawer and my freezer and fridge.  Those are the things that apparently are the most important (and most visible?) to me.  I have trouble with keeping the office clean - those pesky papers seem to multiply after sunset every night.  Then they spread from the office to every other area in the house (except my fridge and underwear drawer). 


  1. I am good at cupboard organization. I date when things come in and rotate so I use older first. Its nice then you dont find a can of tuna that was past its prime a few years ago. I also organize my freezers. I have 2 big ones and the small one on the fridge and I can tell you whats where at any given time. I am alos ok with my house bing mess as long as my kitchen is "clean" meaning dishes done and counters cleared.

  2. Papers are impossible! And projects. I am working hard to weed out and organize, but am an information junky so it just accumulates! And I have piles of books and magazines everywhere. I guess you would call my style controlled chaos. I try to get things grouped together, but seem to never quite get there. But I ended up with the remains from my great aunt's, grandparent's, aunt's and cousin's estates, over the span of just a few years, so it seems like I have been constantly weeding out! Hard to imagine that in '93 when I escaped to Iowa, I only had the car and a trailer full of possessions. In the process of weeding out the clutter from the relations, I have given away several very valuable things accidently- like the antique chinese teapot in it's own basket cozy. OOPS. That makes it even harder to get rid of things!

  3. I think the teapot was worth three to four thousand dollars...

  4. Sounds like the sleep-over was a great success, "a real hit" as grandma Ruth Fleming would have said.

    Papers multiply overnight. They are my biggest organizing problem and I try to keep the stacks confined to the office. At the moment there is one big and 4 small stacks. Oops, I missed the one behind the computer. There is also a partial box of stuff to sort that I moved with me from IA 1 1/2 years ago. I sort everything (except the box, obviously) then new stuff piles up almost instantly.

    Today I cleaned the pump house. It is a shed about 10 by 16 feet which contains the pump, shelves for canned goods, the freezer, a huge pile of boxes (for when we move next), garden tools, paint and sundry other stuff. Well, today, it was too windy to finish painting the outside of the shed so I organized the inside. Wow. There is actually plenty of extra space in there. I am thinking about fixing it up for studio space until cold weather returns. I think I can fit most of the boxes in the attic of the garage...we'll see... keep organizing! - MomK


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