Doings of Today

Today has been a nice low key day.  I tried to get some things done.  One accomplishment of mine was to clean out and organize my freezer.  I haven't done this for awhile.  I'm pretty good at knowing what I have and using up what I have.  But occasionally a few things slip through my notice or don't get used up.  I weeded out the things I knew were too old to consume anymore (at least for me - Aaron probably wouldn't bat an eye about eating any of it - please don't tell him I threw away two random corn dogs I found in the freezer.  He would be aghast at such a thing.  He would also be aghast to realize there were corn dogs in the freezer that he was unaware of.  I don't remember when they were purchased.  Hence, the throwing out of them)

I also attempted to till up my garden.  I got about 1/3 done, but was stopped by rain.  Rats.  I had hoped to get it done before all the rain came, but that did not happen.  Guess I'll have to practice patience until things dry up.

My neighbor, who loves cats, brought over a pot of catnip for Joey.  He does not like my neighbor (but I do!) because she apparently has the smell of her cats on her clothing.  Joey does not believe in other cats.  In his opinion, he is the only cat that belongs in this world.  All other cats, or people who smell of other cats, should be attacked and hissed at.  So all that to say, while he does not appreciate my neighbor, he very much appreciated the catnip.  He went CRAZY over it, tried to roll in it, ate a bunch of it, played in it, etc.  I'm hoping, since it was a small plant, that it will survive.  But between Joey and me, it doesn't look like it stands much of a chance.  I will give it my best shot to keep it alive since Joey loves it so much.

So here's your question of the day:  Are you a clean freezer keeper, or do you fear all that is in the far recesses of your freezer?  I'm pretty good with my freezer.  I got in the habit of it when we were first married and had a tiny fridge that had a small freezer compartment inside the fridge.  It would get built up with frost, so not much room was allowed.  You could fit a carton of ice cream in it and a few other small necessities.  So I got in a good habit and almost always know what I have and where it is.  Occasionally things get a little too beyond what I prefer and then I clean it out (like today!).  It was time to get ready for garden season!  (Mom, you are exempt from this question.  I've seen your freezer.  Hee hee!)


  1. What do you mean that I am exempt from this question???? I guess I should feed Aaron some of the "25 year old food" (yes you read that right)in the bottom of my freezer! I am kind of hoping that someday my 35 year old freezer gives up the ghost and spoils everything in the freezer and I won't have to explain to a certain someone WHY the stuff is in there and not in his stomach ! (sort of like the corndogs !)

  2. Catnip is pretty hard to kill, but if it does die, there is plenty more in my yard. It reseeds all over. Mine got nibbled a lot last night too, but no one rolled in it. I have dried on the back porch that they have been rolling in all winter! Come in covered with bits of dried catnip!


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