Spring Loves

After yesterday's glorious 80 degree weather, we woke up to windy, chilly 40 degree weather today.  So, in honor of how my heart felt yesterday, I am devoting this post to my top 10 spring loves.

Love #1 - Getting seeds started for gardening season!  The kids and I started our tomato, pepper and flower seeds last week.  They are happily sprouting now.  Well, they might not be happy, but I sure am happy to see them grow!
#2 - Daffodils - This is definitely my most favorite flower and it's not just because it's the first flower Aaron ever gave me - though that's a bonus.  I just love their beauty and brightness they bring after a long winter.
#3 - Any other kind of flower.  I don't really care what it is.  I love any and all flowers in my yard!  I even kind of like seeing dandelions - until they go to seed.  I like how they dot my grass with color.
#4 - Finding shorts when I do laundry.  Summer clothes = smaller clothes = fewer loads of laundry.  Abby does not limit her wearing of summery clothing to summers only.  She happily trots about in her summery dresses all year long.
#5 - Green grass.  I love green.
#6 Fall spinach that decided to survive winter and come back to life now that the weather is warm.
#7 The promise of leaves.  Seeing green buds on my trees and bushes fills my heart with hope that winter is nearly over and spring is on its way.
#8 - Wearing only one layer while running and feeling hot.  No picture of this one.  I went for an 8 mile run on Saturday wearing a light long sleeve shirt and light exercise pants.  When I wasn't running into the strong wind, I was actually hot!  Yea!

#9 - Spring wind - Iowa is very windy in the spring.  While I don't always appreciate it when I'm running into it, I like to imagine that the spring winds are pushing back the winter cold and bringing in the warm air with it.  Kind of sappy, I know, but it always feels so fresh and new.

#10 - Eating the last of last year's produce - After rationing my canned and frozen produce through the winter, I can now happily finish it up knowing that in a few short months, I'll be reaping again from my garden and creating meals based on what's ripe at that moment.  LOVE!

Your question for the day:  What are your favorite things of spring? 
Do you have any favorite flowers?


  1. Daffodils are my favorite flower, too! No surprise there, eh?

  2. morel mushrooms and the smell of the earth after it has been tilled. I have yet to start my plants but I feel I am so busy I dont have time to tend them properly. Oh well I know I can always go buy them.


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