This Is Why We Don't Do School Pictures

Abby has developed a habit of "smiling" whenever she is placed in front of a camera.  I'm not sure what that is all about. It seems to have started when she lost her front teeth.  Perhaps she was self-conscious of the gap there, though her grown-up teeth have finally grown back in.  But anyway, when school picture time came around, I knew I couldn't trust her to make a normal looking smile so I didn't order any pictures from school (plus you pay about $70 for three pictures - that's only a slight exaggeration).  I think my fears were justified.  Though we struggled and struggled to get a normal looking smile at Sears, I think we did better than this school picture.  : )
Sunday night, I made some supper.  That's an unusual thing for the weekend.  I usually do not cook on the weekends and we eat either leftovers, or odds and ends of whatever we can find.  But this night I made a delicious supper.  I called for Abby to come to the table and did not get a response.  When I went to go and find her, this is what I found.  Apparently, she was one tuckered out little girl and her bear made the perfect bed. Yes, her bear is still getting plenty of love.
We had another meet last night for David.  His season will end next weekend. : (  I have definitely enjoying going to his meets and watching him run.  They run all middle school boys and girls together, both 7th and 8th grade.  This was a bigger meet than other ones and David did pretty well.  He finished 21st of the boys (7th place if you just count 7th graders)
I included this picture below just because I'm impressed with the arm muscle definition he's getting (David's there on the right).  It's not fair.  Boys don't even have to try and they have cool arm muscles.  Well, I guess my girls have good arm muscle definition too.  Maybe it's just the lack of body fat that helps them out.  That must be my problem.
Here's a deeply serious question for you: If you had to choose which muscle group of yours was well defined, would you choose upper arms, abs, or legs?


  1. Oooh. Abs? Arms? I want all.

  2. I NEED all three ! Do you have magical powers to give them to me...because that is the only way I am going to get them !!!!!!


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