Girls Night Becomes Girl Night

Aaron and David are at the State CC meet this weekend. So tonight, it was just me and the girls.  We decided to have a girls night in.  Once they girls got home from school this afternoon and finished up their couple of chores, we went down to the grocery store to get provisions.  I haven't been in much of a cooking mood lately (which is normally not like me), so we bought a rotisserie chicken for our supper.  I did steam some carrots and boil a couple of potatoes.  The roll is from a friend who supplies us with all sorts of goodness.
To properly have a girls night, one must eat supper in your Goodwill bargain fairy dress.  It also helps to make goofy faces when your mom tries to take your picture.
The other two essential items we got at the grocery store were a rented movie and a cup of ice cream. 
We rented Madagascar 3.  Despite it being the third movie of a popular first movie, I actually enjoyed it. You should know that it's not saying much since I am easily entertained by simple things.  The girls had fun with it too.  When the movie was over, we were going to have a tea party before bedtime, but then Grandma Kay called us.  She asked if the girls wanted to spend the night with her.  I asked which they'd rather do, and of course they wanted to go to Grandma's!  So they got into jammies and packed their bags and away we went.  I dropped the girls off and now my girls night in has become a lovely, quiet me night.  I don't get those very often. 
My dilemma is that I had saved out some cheesecake for our tea party, since today was the last day to make my traditional cheesecakes for the cross country team (if the team wins state, it's because they were fueled by my cheesecake).  So there are these lovely little gems looking at me and asking me if I will eat them.  I think I can maintain some self-control and only eat some of them. Maybe.
So all in all, it was a good and fun evening.  I had a delightful time hanging out with my girls and then get the bonus of some good alone time.  Now I'm off to enjoy myself!
Are you a happy to be alone person or need to be with people person?


  1. You should have called me earlier...I would help you with the cheesecake dilemma ! Yum. And you inherited your enjoying being alone from me.

  2. Okay - give it up: how many cheesecakes did you eat?

    I lost motivation and desire to cook when I was pregnant, too. Nothing sounded good (even though it tasted fine) so I always struggled with what to make.

  3. Melissa:

    I really love hanging out with myself.....just me, myself, and I with my puzzles or my scrapbooking and watching HGTV. Glad you had a fun night - first with your princesses and then with yourself. Deb =)


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