Running and Pictures

David had his second cross country meet yesterday.  It was amazingly hot and very muggy out.  So much that they shortened all the races to keep kids from overheating.  The middle school race got shortened down to about 1.2 miles.  David did pretty well as he is used to training in the heat.  He would complain about going out for a run with Aaron on the really hot days of summer, but Aaron would always tell him that it would help make him tougher than other kids.  And it paid off.  He was the second boy on his team this race and had a decent time despite the heat.  Picture quality here isn't the best.  It was so sunny and bright out that I couldn't see my display to see if I actually had David in the picture.  Here are two that are okay.

Abby got ahold of the camera after the race and took a bunch of random pictures.  This one of Aaron towering over her amuses me because I forget how everyone must look so tall to her when she's so little.
And here is a 27 week picture of me.  Didn't realize how badly I need to clean off my bathroom mirror.  Guess I'll be doing that shortly.
Pregnancy wise, I'm doing okay.  Feeling quite huge and awkward already.  I'm quite self-concious of my very large outie belly button if I'm not wearing a shirt that holds it in as it's the first place your eye is drawn to when it's sticking out in all its glory. I'm happy to be in the last trimester finally! I can officially say less than three months until I see this "little" one.  I was just thinking last week on my birthday about how when Abby was born that I was delighted to be done with having kids by the ripe old age of 27.  Never thought I'd be having another kid at 34!  Oh well, I'm excited for the joy she will bring to our family and it's worth the delay of the empty nest. 


  1. Yeah for David. Remember when your sister got taken to the emergency room because of the CC heat? When they have an several ambulances parked at the CC know it is too hot. Your tummy looks so cute. I don't think you look too big considering how far along you are. Looking forward to the little one too.

  2. Way to go David!

    You are all belly. I love it! Hi, little girl!

    I forget, too, how strange things must look from kids' perspectives. That was a cool shot Abby took!


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