My New Bed

I have a new bed. Here it is:
I've taken to sleeping on the couch lately as it seems to be the only place I can get a decent night's sleep.  I'm not sure why, but I think it has to do with being able to rest my back against something and I can be somewhat more propped up here than in our bed.  The moment I get totally flat in our bed, I have nasty heartburn and then can't sleep.  Grr. So instead of tossing and turning in bed until 2AM every night as I had been doing, I decided that after snuggling with Aaron for a few moments and waiting the three minutes it takes for him to fall asleep, I'll just immediately head out to the couch and get some sleep.  This is how I typically spend the last two months of pregnancy.  It will be good to get back to my bed once this season is over!

On other pregnancy news: I passed my one hour glucose test! Yea! This is the second one I had to take with this pregnancy.  The first one was very early on as they are always concerned about the size of my babies and the risk of gestational diabetes.  I always test negative for it; I just apparently have skills in making large babies. My goal is to have a child under 9 pounds for once. 9lb 5oz. is my smallest baby so far. I think this little girl is helping me reach that goal with the amount of running she is doing inside my uterus.  I don't recall my other kids being so crazy active as this one. It makes me wonder if she'll be this busy outside my womb as she is inside.

I'm also down to doctor visits being every other week.  Wow! Time has flown by! I'll start weekly visits in a little over a month. It kind of makes me freak out just a bit to realize that I'm soon going to having a real life baby again.  I know I'll be happy about it and will wonder what we ever did without her, but there's still moments here and there where I take a big gulp and look with a bit of fear and trembling about the voyage we are about to reengage.  Thankfully, I have a house full of helpers super excited about her arrival. That alone will make the transition time way easier and peaceful.  And I'm not in the process of trying to potty train anyone in our family either, so that helps!  :)

Question for you: What's the age gap(s) between you and your siblings?


  1. We're all 2 years apart, almost exactly. My brother, sister, and sister are all 2 years and born in February (my parents were planners, apparently). I'm 2 years apart from my sister but was born in April. I was a bit of a surprise, obviously.

  2. As you well know 3 years (just a tad less with you)between all of you. No planning whatsoever...just took what God gave us.

  3. God Bless my mother - she had the 4 of us in less than 5 years, and no twins either! My baby bro was born in early May and I turned 5 at the end of June. Ours were more spread out :) -

    Glad your new "bed" is working out so nicely, it is a pretty cushy sofa. MomK

  4. Oh, I totally understand about the sleeping on the couch situation! With my pregnancy I spent those last one to two months on the couch as well. Acid reflux plus wanting to breathe for once seemed like good enough reasons to be propped up next to something not snoring... To answer your question, there are three years between my next sibling and me and 10 between my last sibling and me. It's good to know that children come at all manner of times and families are made by the love, not by the age separation!


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