Time to Get the Gate Out

 If we are standing near the stairs, Keilah will climb them. Thankfully, she's still not ready to wander the house much if she can't see Mom or Dad nearby. But when I'm in the kitchen (which is frequently) and she's on the loose, I have to be ready to grab her off the stairs as she is quite the good stair climber
Unfortunately, she's also a distracted stair climber. If she happens to see you behind her, she'll excitedly turn around to see you and smile, bounce up and down a few times and then tumble down. (Note Aaron's head in the corner ready to catch her a second after this picture was taken when she got too excited and fell) 
Then, once she's at the top of the stairs and sees something below her that she'd like to eat, she'll turn around and head down the stairs head first to get to that object. This picture is not her coming up the stairs, but heading straight down them. That's me in the back holding onto her legs as she tried to get free to get down more quickly. But had I let go, I don't think she would have appreciated just how quickly she would have gotten down the stairs. 
Occasionally, it's really tiring being a baby and Keilah will just lie down on the floor and rest there without moving for awhile. The girls find this to be hilarious and Abby snapped this picture of Keilah during a tuckered out phase. 
On other news fronts, David's school is going well. I am having actually a pretty stress free week once I got over my day before school stress day. I've made myself be really organized and stay on track of things so that I don't feel overwhelmed and overloaded. I've even had time to make and can some salsa one day during school, prepare a teaching for a finance class I'm leading, and keep up on correcting school work as it is completed! Yea! And my house is reasonably tidy! And I made three pies yesterday too! I've had a great week so far.
The girls are getting back into the school routine. Abby was really missing her 1st grade teacher (and who wouldn't - she's an amazing teacher!) and having a bit of a harder time adjusting to the changes. She seemed a little more peaceful about it yesterday after school. Ana seems to be adjusting well to her new class and teacher. She's still a bit nervous every morning, but each day it has gotten better. Yea! 
How's your week been going? What new things are in your life right now?


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