They're Coming Out My Ears!

We have a lovely peach tree. It's about four years old since we planted it. In the past, the most I've had were about a dozen or two peaches for the entire year. Not this year. This year, we are having the most bounteous year ever with peaches. My tree was completely loaded. There are peaches everywhere in my house. Here's my kitchen counter.
Here's the bench in the dining room.
Not pictured are the peaches covering my washer and dryer. They are amazing. They are the best peaches I have ever eaten. And there are still piles on my tree!
I've currently made two batches of freezer jam, six pies (we have shared some), canned a bunch of them, frozen some of them, I've given them away to many different people, we each eat at least two or more each day, and my house is still covered in peaches! I'll be canning more of them again today to make room in my house so I can hopefully finished picking them off my tree. We had a guessing contest in our family over how many peaches were sitting around the house pictured in the above photos. This was after many had already been used and given away. We came up with 394 peaches sitting in our house. Ana and I tied with our guessing as we were each 14 away. She guessed 14 over and I guessed 14 under the amount.

Not only are my peaches doing well, but my garden is doing quite well too. My fridge is overflowing with garden produce. And what little kitchen counter space I have left that is not covered in peaches, now has tomatoes on them. We've been having fun seeing how much can we eat from our garden each meal instead of anything else. It definitely makes for a super cheap grocery month! And Aaron hasn't even complained about a lack of meat in his diet. I think he's too busy being in peach heaven to notice. I put in bits of meat here and there to keep him happy, so he's not totally deprived.
While I'll be happy to not have another peach in my house for awhile, I know I will miss them once they are gone. But I'll have plenty canned for future goodness and enjoyment during the winter months when I'll yearn for my summer produce again.

Tell me about your garden bounty this year? What are you enjoying the most? The least?


  1. Yummmm. How are my raspberries?

  2. Well, since I planted too much kale last year I still have too much this year. My freezer is just about full, so I guess we better hurry up and eat it! We're loving our corn, but disappointed in our lack of pumpkins. Last year we had so many, but this year there is only one lowly jewel. I guess we'll appreciate it all the more, right? Now, a question. Did you have to plant two peach trees for pollination?

  3. WOW!! I wish I lived closer and could purchase peaches from yoU! So happy for you and your garden success. We were late in putting in our garden but enjoying peas, lettuce, carrots, and waiting on our greenbeans still! But soon. The tomatoes need some hot weather- we've had a cool August, but they are big and green and ready to turn. Last night we ate a bowl of vegetable soup all from our garden- only things not from garden were the sweet potato and celery. Anyways, garden eating is the best and I wish more people ate that way. We have just vegetable meals too.


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