Lots of Pictures

Even though I haven't blogged for awhile, I've still been taking pictures. Yea for me! Here are a few of my favorites from the past month. Aaron prefers soft serve ice cream to regular hard ice cream. Sometimes he passes on eating hard ice cream. I don't understand that. I've taken to calling him an ice cream hater since in my book, if you don't want any form of ice cream, you must be an ice cream hater. It always brings about such hilarity in the family. So one night while we were all enjoying our small dishes of ice cream and I was calling Aaron an ice cream hater, Ana made him this hat to wear while he ate his ice cream.
Here's a close up of it. It cracked me up. I love the arrows pointing down.
Keilah is now a big girl and likes to stand. Here she is earlier on in her standing up days. Playing with the straps in her car seat brings such delight.
We took a family vacation at the end of July. We headed south with our final destination being St. Louis. We took our time getting there and camped along the way. It only rained the first night. The poor kids got soaked that night, the girls especially. Keilah slept in our tent and I moved her up to our air mattress when it started raining that night, so she stayed cozy and dry. We borrowed a friend's baby backpack and she spent much of our time at the campsites sitting in that to prevent her from eating all the dirt, sticks, leaves, and bugs she could get her hands on. She didn't seem to mind the backpack as long as there was someone to watch and entertain her. The kids would also take turns playing with her in a tent so she could get a little more exercise since she spent most of her days either being held, in a stroller, backpack, or carseat.
The kids enjoyed working on the fires each night.
We spent a day in the City Museum in St. Louis. It was amazing! It is basically an enormous playground/climbing area for kids and adventuresome grownups. I watched the kids and Aaron scamper up this tube and into the ceiling. It was about an hour until I found them again. We had Keilah in the stroller as it wasn't all that baby friendly, so Aaron and I took turns hanging out with her and running around with the kids. I would definitely go there again.
We then went to the arch. Last time we were there, Abby was the age that Keilah was.
I have a picture of David and Ana in front of this bear when David had just lost his two front teeth at the age of almost 6 1/2, while Ana was 3. They've grown up just a bit.
Here is Keilah loving on Dog. His poor ears are chewed on and caressed whenever she has him in her grasp.
Our four awesome kiddos enjoying the view from the arch.
I surely do love this guy!
Another day we went mini-golfing. Keilah happily rode around in her backpack until she got too tuckered out from helping Dad golf. Dog makes a good pillow when his ears aren't in use.
All in all, our vacation went amazingly well. I wasn't sure what to expect with camping with a crawling 8 month old. But she did great and happily slept each night in her little nest on the ground beside us. The weather was perfect after the first night. The kids had a lot of fun, we ate ice cream almost every day, and we came home happy. 
I have more pictures to post of our last month, but I'll save it for another day! Hope you are having a great week!


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