Off To School!

Two of my favorite girls went to school this morning! Ana started 5th and Abby is now in 2nd grade. They decided to be twins today since everyone at school calls them by the wrong name. They thought they'd help them out in the confusion.
The twin look was complete with matching hair styles. 
I love these two goofballs. 
I don't know how many pictures I took where they were being silly. The first picture was the only normal one I got. They kept looking at each other or smiling all funky. Oh well. That's life with these two girlies. 
Abby wanted a picture with Keilah too. Keilah was happy to oblige even though she hadn't yet changed out of her jammies. Then they happily trotted off to school. Ana was feeling nervous this morning, but she'll be happy once she gets home and I can't wait to hear them regale me with their adventures of the day. 
David started school today too, but I didn't take a picture of him. Oops. The house felt much quieter once the two girls left and David was able to get his work done on this first day with ease. 
I'm excited for this new school year and to see what adventures await us this year!


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