A teenager moved into my house...

Yesterday, a teenager began living in my house. I liked him an awful lot before he was a teenager. I'm pretty sure I'll like him even more now that he's officially old.
I love how he adores his baby sister and asks to hold her and play with her. Here he is tickling her and enjoying her squeals of delight.
We measured him yesterday as we do on every birthday, and he is now almost 5'10" - long past Mom's height. We had to measure Dad then and put his mark on the wall so David knows what he's shooting for next. Only a bit over 5 inches to go! He slowed down on his growth spurt and only grew 4.5 inches last year, compared to the 5.5 inches he grew the previous year. I shudder to think of him trying on his winter clothes this year and having to find things that fit him once again. I try to buy as minimally as possible and get everything second hand as they rarely last a season before he's outgrown it all. 

David is a rock in our family. He's the backbone of morality that the girls look to when it comes to everyday life. Honesty and integrity are two words that describe him in most everything he does. Words of affirmation light him up. He loves to laugh and be silly with his family. Monty Python is becoming a favorite in his life. His sense of humor keeps me laughing throughout the day. He's smart and surprises me with random tidbits of knowledge he remembers. He often can answer my various scientific musings. Math and Science are his favorite subjects in school. He devours books at an alarming rate. He's passionate about running. He's musical. He enjoys writing creative stories. I'm not sure how he would survive his day if Legos didn't play at least a small role in it. His latest Lego passion is creating stop motion movies with them. His voice is getting deeper every day, so it seems. He looks and acts more like a young man every day. He is extremely tender hearted and is truly torn up when he hurts someone in any way. I am enormously proud of the man he is. I don't want to think about how few years he has left being a boy in our house. 
My four goofballs.
After almost two years of no birthday cakes requested by the kids who instead requested other desserts, David asked if I could make a cake for his birthday again. I am a self-professed horrid cake maker. My cakes usually turn out looking like a four year old decorated them. So when David asked if I could make a Lego guy cake, I thought I'd give it a try. This is one of my better creations. The kids all thought it was cool and Ana is already wanting one for her when it's her birthday next June. I'm sad to say that there is nothing left of Lego man today. He has been devoured.


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