What's the Use?

I've always been amused by perfectly functional pockets on baby clothing. Really, of what use are they? 
Maybe they are good for hauling money or valuables around - if only you knew the difference between the value of money and the value of a used kleenex.
What about art supplies? You never know when you'll need a crayon to draw on something - if only you had mastered the notion that you have hands and that they can be useful to you.
Maybe they are good for hauling snacks around - if only you were able to eat snacks at 8 weeks old.
Ah, there is one useful thing that could fit in those little pockets.
A pacifier!


  1. So cute!! I love this blog!! :) You are so creative.

  2. I am laughing too; you ARE very clever, you know! If Keilah had enough pockets she could keep money on hand for her brother to borrow for the purchase of more legos...in fact, she could charge interest and make money on the deal - if she had another pocket to keep it in. Then crayons for Ana and Abby to use, more interest gained, and a snack to nourish her motherly food source - you don't rob the hand that feeds you - and the pacifier for when mom's not available...lots of use for baby's pockets!

    Thanks for keeping us all entertained....love, MomK

  3. So cute and funny! I have to admit, you're right - what in the world are baby pockets for? Aside from additional cuteness :)


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