Good-bye Coffee, Hello Driving Mom

Before I get on with this post, I would like to report that my Christmas tree is finally down and put away until next year. Yea me!
Last week, Keilah had a number of fussy days and had a hard time staying asleep during her naps. I wasn't sure what the deal was until I realized that I had been drinking a bit more coffee than usual. I was drinking half-caffeine, half-decaf, thinking we could manage that, but apparently not. When I cut that out of my life, she went back to her peaceful little self and hasn't had issues with her naps since. So I guess it's good-bye coffee for the next while. Sigh. The things we do for love.

I'm beginning to wish David was old enough to drive now. Three days a week, he has band practice at the middle school, which is in the next town over. So I pack up and head over there for an hour those days. On one of the days, he has a lesson after band, so Keilah and I often hang out at the local coffee shop (don't worry, there are other things to drink there since coffee is now a no-no). But other days, when I don't have any cash on me, I bring the coffee shop to our car.  Here is my snack of the day - animal crackers and a chocolate covered peppermint stick, with a traveling mug of hot tea.
Kindle is brought along for entertainment purposes, along with any physical book I'm reading at the time.
Keilah is often asleep for most of our time in the car. Sometimes it's feeding time, so I feed her in the car and then we play together which at this point consists of grinning goofily at each other and making noises at each other. Isn't her hat just adorable? My friend Julie knitted it for her.
We are also attempting a high school class with David this semester to give it a try. So far so good. Thankfully, the high school is only two minute's drive away, so I don't hang around during that class. And usually Aaron is home so we don't have to bundle Keilah up for a quick trip. One of us will just zip over and drop him off and pick him up. But all this driving around is making me yearn for the day when he can drive himself (and also his sisters!) around without me. Only four more years...

Do you spend a lot of time driving your kids around?


  1. my momma i love her

  2. It was nice when Adam could drive, though our "driving around" was mostly after school. Those 4 years will pass quickly and then you'll be praying for David to drive carefully, safely, wisely!

    The little hat is adorable and very girly. I was thinking of making her an acorn hat with the yarn leftover from the others, then she'd have another to choose from :) Or maybe I should just get going on her blankie!

    What math class is David taking? Keep us posted on his progress! momKay


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